El Sat, 22-08-2009 a las 12:45 -0500, David Farning escribió:
> There has been some confusion over the past several months about how
> SoaS fits into Sugar Labs.
> I have been getting the feeling that we are setting ourself up for
> confusion by not clearly abstracting SoaS from the Learning Platform.
> On the other hand, initiatives such as sugar on a stick are incredibly
> valuable to the over all mission of Sugar Labs.
> As such, I would like to propose that Sugar Labs create a separate
> category of initiatives, such as SoaS, called projects.  The idea is
> based on apachs' and eclipses' effective use of projects.
> The premise behind 'projects' is that initiatives such as SoaS are
> vital to the overall success of the ecosystem.  Yet, they are in
> several ways autonomous to the Learning Platform.

Sounds like a very good idea, +1.

Should we also identify a Project Leader for each project like we heave
done for teams?  I'm more concerned with the possibility of a project
stalling without any clear leader than the case where leadership is
being disputed among multiple individuals.

Until we observe the latter situation in practice, we could probably
live without an election process.  Our time would be better spent
writing a policy that would encourage Project Leaders to report their
progress regularly (perhaps weekly) and step down responsibly when they
no longer have the time and motivation to lead properly.

The Fedora package maintainers are organized similarly; the relevant
documentation in the Fedora wiki could be one source of inspiration for
us to imitate, although project management in Apache and Eclipse seems
like a better fit for what we're trying to achieve here.

   // Bernie Innocenti - http://codewiz.org/
 \X/  Sugar Labs       - http://sugarlabs.org/

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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