On Sun, Aug 23, 2009 at 19:30, Dennis Daniels<dennisgdani...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm not the target market for SoaS but I am a teacher and I know a
> little Linux and run Fedora11 and Ubuntu9.04 and XP. I hope to one day
> build a networked SoaS lab from used computers and teach Scratch and
> etc to my students.
> Install instructions for SoaS are a bit of a mess. Here is a page I
> wrote trying to follow installation instructions exactly from Ubuntu
> 9.04, with screencasts:
>  http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/One_tester%27s_attempt_at_installing_SoaS
> I spent 90 minutes doing my best to do as instructed but ended with
> failure. Teachers normally don't put in that kind of effort on strange
> technologies.
> I was not successful in my attempt to install SoaS on a USB stick even
> with support from the Sugar irc (which most users of Sugar/teachers
> don't use). This makes clears instructions on installation pages on
> the wiki all the more valuable.
> My request is simple: Sugar people please review the SoaS installation
> instructions for your distro on the Sugar labs wiki and try to follow
> the instructions exactly as written, as I did, to install Sugar on a
> USB stick and rewrite/clarify/document where possible. As my efforts
> to install failed, I'm not the best person to write about how it's
> done.

I agree that the instructions need to be reduced to a minimum that
works in as many situations as possible. Other linux distros have this
same problem and we can see how they expose the main path and then the
secondary ones.

> Comments/ corrections/criticism welcome.
> With thanks to all for the generous support of the past and future!
> Dennis
> p.s.
> I would recommend that the Sugar project make a little more effort to
> get Ubuntu users who represent 4x as many users as Fedora
> (http://counter.li.org/reports/machines.php). Getting Ubuntu people to
> play more with Sugar would seem to be good for the project and for
> development. I do know that Sugar has a very close relationship with
> Fedora.

Well, it's more that the Sugar project is composed by whoever does
stuff with Sugar and to date the members of the Ubuntu community have
been more interested in using Sugar than supporting it in their

That said, some members of the Sugar community have bitten the bullet
and done packages that allow Sugar run on Ubuntu. Aleksey's packages:


And I also have heard of some other people working on this same
problem. I would love to hear the status of those other efforts.



> _______________________________________________
> IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
> IAEP@lists.sugarlabs.org
> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/iaep

«Sugar Labs is anyone who participates in improving and using Sugar.
What Sugar Labs does is determined by the participants.» - David
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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