El Mon, 21-09-2009 a las 17:15 -0500, Yamandu Ploskonka escribió:
> Very good point you make.  It gets complicated as the users - kids - 
> have not been shown they get it regarding giving their full name, age 
> and address and some even phone number, so it is unlikely they will deal 
> safely with the nuances of "untrusted sources".

Nothing in the XO bundle's current implementation and specification, nor
in Rainbow's current implementation and specification, could ever
prevent this from happening.

Even unprivileged, sandboxed applications can successfully do a lot of
evil, especially with simple social engineering tricks that would work
on young children.

We could as well use a good package manager, then...

> It would be sort of a shame that the first massive attack of malware on 
> Linux platforms happened under our watch...

Yeah, and you can count that it *will* happen soon or later.  The press
may even put all the blame on us!

I don't think there's much we can do to prevent it.  When it happens,
we'll just sit and let our great Marketing Team leader Sean do all the
talking to defend us ;-)

   // Bernie Innocenti - http://codewiz.org/
 \X/  Sugar Labs       - http://sugarlabs.org/

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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