It turns out that the first five people to request member ship via were missing from the email roster.

They follow:

    * Sebastian Dziallas <sebast...@?.?> | sdz | APPROVED

    * Tom Gilliard <satel...@?.?> | satellit | APPROVED

    * Brian Jordan <bcjor...@?.?> | Bcjordan | brian | APPROVED

    * Caroline Meeks <solutiongr...@?.?> | APPROVED

    * Dave Bauer <d...@?.?> | daveb | APPROVED

The membership committee has added them to the roster.

David Farning
SLOBs election 2009-2010 referee
On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 6:02 PM, David Farning <> wrote:
> I would like to announce the completion of the Sugar Labs Test Election.
> Know issues:
> The election server is very overloaded.  It was not uncommon for the
> server to take a minute or more to process a a submission.  As far as
> I can tell everyones vote was processed.  Please keep track of your
> 'token' so you can verify that you vote has been processed correctly.
> The test election was mis-configured to run until October 28 instead
> of September 28.  I will verify that the SLOBs election is configured
> correctly.
> Incorrect email on membership roster.  I received one notice that
> someone did not receive a voter token.  I will verify their name
> against the membership log and update the email roster list as
> necessary.
> Does anyone else have feedback on the test election?  Please submit
> that feedback to this list or to me personally.
> David Farning
> SLOBs election 2009-2010 referee
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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