On 3/13/10 5:33 AM, Bernie Innocenti wrote:
> On Thu, 2010-03-11 at 19:00 -0700, Josh Williams wrote:
>> The content pane is set to a max width of 1020px and is fluid at smaller
>> widths. You're suggesting it should be wider right? Could you attach a
>> screen shot for both problems?
> Here we go:
>   http://wiki-devel.sugarlabs.org/go/Welcome_to_the_Sugar_Labs_wiki
> Why do we need to limit the maximum horizontal size at all? If I like
> the page to be laid out narrower, I can always resize the browser
> window :-)

That's true, you can always resize the window. I'm in the camp that it's 
better to set a maximum width because I think it's harder to read long 
strings of text. Also I don't enjoy resizing the window just for sites 
that do this. Anyway, I'm not opposed to having it set at 100% width if 
you think most of the wiki users would prefer that.
> Perhaps we need to set a minimum width below which the page starts
> looking bad due to excessive wrapping. But hard-coded dimensions often
> bother people with hand-held devices.
> Is there an easy way for web designers to check compatibility across
> multiple browsers? I remember seeing a website that would take
> screenshots of any url with multiple browsers. I forgot its name.

There's adobe browser lab: https://browserlab.adobe.com/ But I don't 
really trust screenshots.

I personally use wine for ie6 and then I have an xp virtual machine for 
ie 7, vista VM for ie 8, and an old ubuntu VM for FF3. I use my 
girlfriends old ibook for safari 3.
>> I haven't actually styled the tables yet. The tables will overflow
>> horizontally on the live wiki now. You're only noticing this happen
>> because the font size is larger forcing the overflow. I can make the
>> font size smaller in the tables if you think the tables break at an
>> unreasonable width.
> That would be useful imho.

Definitely, and I'm working on it!
>>> Note that I have a very high DPI display and therefore I configure my
>>> browsers with bigger than normal fonts. Most sites survive this, but a
>>> few break.
>> I think a screen shot will help for this one too. Thanks for the feedback.
> Please refer to the same screenshot I sent. It's not a Chromium specific
> issue, the layout is similarly odd in Firefox.
> To reproduce it, go to the font settings and enlarge the default fonts.

Thanks the screenshot was helpful, I'll be working on the issue later 
next week. BTW if you normally have that many tabs open, I strongly 
recommend you try out tree style tabs for firefox - it's a super handy 
ad on.
>> I'm contemplating removing the borders from the main content area. I've
>> attached a screen shot of this. I think it's more inline with
>> Christian's design for sugarlabs.org and it also avoids some rendering
>> issues browse has with borders.
>> Any input on this direction would be great.
> I like it borderless! Like Frederick, I also feel that it would be good
> to have some elements reminiscent of the Sugar UI, but only as long as
> we can balance it with aesthetic needs. I met plenty of people who told
> me that our old skin was awful.
Thanks, I think it works better too. I'll probably try to remove some of 
the other borders scattered throughout the skin.


IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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