Indeed I'm working on adding Journal support to Scratch, almost done in fact. 
But I can't say when John is going to make a release with that. I'm not working 
on sound or other issues, but Derek did something in that direction IIRC.

Btw you can read about ongoing development at

- Bert -

On 15.03.2010, at 19:32, Claudia Urrea wrote:
> Hi Bernie,
> Thanks for your email. I am waiting on the visa... but I shouldn't
> have any problems (I am still waiting for Cecilia to send a letter to
> me).
> I don't have the agenda yet, I am planning to work with the team of 
> Formadores.
> Yes. Bert is working on the new version of Scratch (hired by OLPC). I
> think it is going to be ready very soon!
> See you soon!
> Claudia
> On Sat, Mar 13, 2010 at 9:17 PM, Bernie Innocenti <> wrote:
>> Continuing our earlier irc conversation on iaep@:
>> <bernie> I need an updated version of Scratch for the XO...
>> the current version has issues with sound
>> <ClaudiaU_> thanks for the report! You are in Paraguay?
>> Indeed! I'll be working on field until August to bridge Sugar Labs with
>> one of the best deployments out there. It's happening bidirectionally:
>> 1) learn about real-world issues with our software and relay such
>> information directly to the Sugar developers and community.
>> 2) at the same time, deliver the latest and greatest of our software in
>> the hands of local children.
>> More than just a bridge, I'm hoping to build a self-reinforcing feedback
>> loop, the kind of thing which powers successful free software projects.
>> <ClaudiaU_> bernie: I don't have a public version of Scratch yet, but I
>> am hoping soon... Bern is working on it!
>> You mean Bert? Or me? Or someone I don't know?
>> Some kids here taught themselves Scratch and are doing great things with
>> it:
>> It's incredible if you consider to children in Caacupè did not have easy
>> access to computers and fancy electronic gadgets. Most children and
>> teachers have been using computers for the first time less than one year
>> ago.
>> So I think we're just starting to... scratching the surface.
>> (ok, please forgive me for this silly pun).
>> <ClaudiaU_> Bernie: I am coming to Paraguay next week.... let me
>> know if you are there
>> This is great news. Today Cecilia told me you'll be here on the 22nd.
>> What's your schedule like for the week? Anything you would like to work
>> on together?
>> --
>>  // Bernie Innocenti -
>> \X/  Sugar Labs       -

- Bert -

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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