Am 10.06.2010 21:38, schrieb Daniel Drake:
> On 10 June 2010 16:13, Christoph Derndorfer
> <> wrote:
>> I hate to play devil's advocate here (naaa, not really;-) but one might
>> argue that based on what little we know about OLPC in Peru, arguably the
>> 2nd largest OLPC / Sugar project at the moment, this ("simply passing
>> out XOs and getting out of children’s way.") is pretty much exactly what
>> seems to be happening.
> While the deployment info is less public (and less publicized?) than
> most, and while like any deployment it faces a fair share of
> challenges and difficulties, it's not like this.

Glad to hear you're getting a good hands-on impression down there! :-)

Out of curiosity: Which provinces are you visiting?

>From the information that I've gathered from Oscar Becerra, last year's
interns and a researcher who spent several weeks in the Ancash area in
2008 and 2009 the difficulties that the project faces in Peru seem to be
quite a bit more extensive than in other countries. Two of the most
striking examples I've heard are that it often seems to take up to 3
months for broken XOs to be repaired and that between 2008 and 2009 30%
of the teachers in one province dropped out and their replacements
didn't receive any XO / Sugar teacher training whatsoever.

But then again, I should have a clearer understanding of realities on
the ground once I arrive in Lima in early August;-)


Christoph Derndorfer
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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