As promised, I kicked our agenda items forward. Turns out you can do a 
lot without needing to vote. :)

Our meetbot does some truly awful meeting minutes formatting, but here's 
the summary of

* Local Labs TM applications can't be found, so we'll drop this topic 
until a Local Lab is indeed blocked by lack of TM permission, at which 
point they should ping SLOBs (via emailing the slobs and iaep lists with 
their request - doesn't have to be formal, just needs to be publicly 
documented somewhere) so we can +1 them. DONE!

* Oo4Kids logo display request got 4 +1s from SLOBs, granted. Added to APPROVED!

* F11+0.88+XO-1.* got permission to use SL infrastructure and get listed 
on the sidebar. UNBLOCKED!

* Broader question: "What are the rights and responsibilities of a SL 
project?" (Simple answer, but we need to agree on the same simple 
answer.) NEXT WEEK! (and hitting the list shortly as a separate thread).

* Question from Kevin Mark: "Who should be the deciding organization for 
who determines what version of sugar is used in the field?" (Hitting the 
list shortly as a separate discussion thread, but no action really 
needed - just a good point to bring up.)

What else do people consider the most pressing topics to the future of 
SL? How are we doing? Are we reaching our goals? (What are they?) These 
should be the agenda items we discuss.



04:56:33        Topic: Trademark applications from Local Labs
04:56:37        LINK    mchua
04:56:54        INFO    mchua   We have trademark usage applications from the 
following places:
04:57:02        INFO    mchua   * Colombia * Paraguay Educa * Argentina * Chile 
Peru * DC
04:57:14        INFO    mchua   We have been blocked by lack of links to the 
actual applications.
04:58:29        INFO    mchua   Walter says the words "TM REQUEST" should be in 
the subject lines for this, and that they should have been sent to list, 
but there are no emails from these countries with that subject on a 
public list (that I could find).
05:36:54        INFO    mchua   Mel can't find subject lines with "TM REQUEST" 
them in either iaep or slobs archives
05:37:42        AGREED  mchua   This agenda item is being dropped, but people 
are encouraged (very very encouraged!) to resend their local labs' TM 
applications to SLOBs and cc iaep, and we'll get to them then. So if 
this is blocking you, please pipe up with a quick email!


05:37:55        Topic: Ooo4Kids logo display request
06:17:35        LINK    mchua
06:21:10        INFO    mchua   Main Oo4Kids contact is Eric Bachard, 
eric.bachard at
06:21:21        INFO    mchua   Oo4kids requests permission to place our logo 
their "partners" page
06:21:56        AGREED  mchua   YES (motion passes, Bernie, Walter, Adam and 
Mel +1, no -1)
06:21:59        LINK    mchua
06:22:11        INFO    mchua   Added to "trademark permissions granted" list
06:22:14        LINK    mchua


06:23:24        Topic: F11+0.88+XO-1.* as a SL project
06:23:47        INFO    mchua   The broader topic under discussion here is 
is a SL project?" (as in, what does it entail, what does it mean for a 
project to be a SL project - rights and responsibilities)?
06:23:58        INFO    mchua   This is a simple question, but we need to 
actually agree on the answer.
06:24:05        LINK    mchua
06:27:11        LINK    mchua
06:27:26        LINK    mchua
06:29:04        INFO    mchua   It was agreed last week that Paraguay Educa 
should list the F11+0.88+Xo-1.* project on the wiki sidebar.
06:29:07        LINK    mchua
06:37:31        INFO    mchua   It was also agreed that the project should have 
full use of SL Infrastructure resources.
06:39:55        INFO    mchua   So I'm going to make it a quick agenda item, 
draft a motion and see if we can get discussion/consensus/approval 
around it.
06:40:36        LINK    mchua
06:41:36        INFO    mchua   the current page asays projects start as SIGs, 
then apply to SLOBs for project status.
06:42:39        ACTION  mchua   mchua to shoot this page out to the iaep list 
and ask if anyone thinks it needs more - if it's not blocking anything, 
we can skip it for now, I think.


06:42:58        Topic: Other business
06:47:34        INFO    mchua   We have a question for SLOBs from Kevin Mark.
06:47:34        LINK    mchua   #link
06:47:34        INFO    mchua   Kevin Mark: I was confused about the hierarchy 
who should be the deciding organization for who determines what version 
of sugar is used in the field. There are more than 500,000 users and 
many people outside of OLPC and Sugar Labs that will have to support 
that choice (of using 0.88) as well as the support that OLPC and Sugar 
Labs in Boston and elsewhere will have to provide." #info "I dont know 
how a new 3rd party like Activity Ce
06:47:41        INFO    mchua   "There are more than 500,000 users and many 
people outside of OLPC and Sugar Labs that will have to support that 
choice (of using 0.88) as well as the support that OLPC and Sugar Labs 
in Boston and elsewhere will have to provide. I dont know how a new 3rd 
party like Activity Central is involved in this and what role they 
should be taking as they are untested and lacking the kind of resouces 
that OLPC and Sugar Labs have at the moment.
06:47:55        ACTION  mchua   mchua to shoot this to slobs and iaep lists for 
further Q&A
06:47:56        Topic: Next week's agenda
06:48:03        INFO    mchua   * Revisit "what's a project?"
06:48:43        INFO    mchua   * Ask again: what are our biggest issues right 
now? How are we doing towards our goals? (What are they?)
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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