On 28.09.2010, at 11:05, Tim McNamara wrote:

> On 25 September 2010 02:22, Pablo Flores <pflor...@gmail.com> wrote:
> My support to Rosamel too!
> The translation is not a minor issue and it would be good to challenge 
> ourselves to find solutions so we can integrate in discussions people that 
> speak different languages. Isn't there some kind of add-on for mailman for 
> making automatic translations?
> También mi apoto a Rosamel !
> El tema de las traducciones no es algo menor, y estaría bueno que nos 
> desafiáramos a nosotros mismos a buscar soluciones que permitan integrar en 
> las discusiones a gente que habla en distintos idiomas. No hay algún tipo de 
> add-on para mailman que haga traducciones automáticas?
> Saludos, 
> Pablo Flores
> Esperanto? ;) 

English does what Esperanto promised. To collaborate worldwide, learning 
English is essential.

At the same time, empowering local Sugar Labs is essential. They should be the 
local-language contact, and mediators to the world-wide community.

- Bert -

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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