Excellent stuff which got me some odd looks on the subway when I read
your e-mail and started laughing uncontrollably;-)

Happy Turkey Day!


Am 25.11.2010 19:36, schrieb Caryl Bigenho:
> Hi All,
> I flew from DFW yesterday, the day before Thanksgiving, which is
> supposed to be one of the busiest days for flying. We arrived early
> because we had heard of plans for lot of people to "opt out" of the body
> scanners and ask for the "enhanced pat-down search" instead.
> The protest didn't show up in the security area we went through and the
> TSA agents were very overstaffed and very good natured and friendly.
> Because of my knee replacements I always set off the alarm and get the
> pat-down. Yesterday was no exception, but the procedures have
> changed. No more metal detecting wands.  Instead they pat you down all
> over... and I do mean all over!  
> So, there I was with my arms out like a hovering bird, getting the
> "treatment" when another, smiling TSA agent came over to ask me about
> OLPC and the Contributors Program! She had seen the XO-1.5 I brought
>  (to demo at New Tech High @ Coppell) go through the scanner. She asked
> my husband about it as he was gathering my things.  He gave her one of
> my cards with lots of links on the back, told her more about it and sent
> her over to talk to me.
> So, while I was getting that "enhanced pat-down" I was pleasantly
> distracted by being able to tell her about our Contributors Program. 
> She was very interested in the possibility of doing a project at a place
> where she volunteers once a week in the Dallas area.  I was pleasantly
> distracted and almost didn't notice the thoroughness of the
> pat-down! You never know when traveling with an XO will pay off in new
> and interesting ways!
> Happy Thanksgiving!
> Grannie B (aka Caryl)
> _______________________________________________
> IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
> IAEP@lists.sugarlabs.org
> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/iaep

Christoph Derndorfer
co-editor, www.olpcnews.com
e-mail: christ...@olpcnews.com
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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