caryl wrote:
 > Hi James and others...
 > I have seen some bug reports re 10.1.3.  Is it ready for "big time?"  I want 
 > the most stable build I can install to show the XOs to their best advantage 
 > at 
 > the expo. I have time to install 10.1.3 if it is decidedly better.  I would 
 > like things to go as smoothly as possible as there will be times volunteers 
 > are 
 > running the booth while I do a presentation and/or help with Karsten Wade's 
 > hands-on workshop with XO-1s.

10.1.3 is as ready as the 10 series will ever be. :-)
(and definitely ready for "big time".)

here's simon's announcement mail, which covers the (many!) new features
the team got in:

 paul fox,
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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