On Mar 2, 2011, at 10:58 AM, Walter Bender wrote:

FWIW, we've been in discussion about Sugar as part of the offering.

How has that idea been received? Can you clarify -- offered on top of Windows or as an additional window manager on the Linux side?

On Wed, Mar 2, 2011 at 10:41 AM, Christoph Derndorfer
<e0425...@student.tuwien.ac.at> wrote:
Am 02.03.2011 06:34, schrieb John Watlington:

On Mar 1, 2011, at 7:41 AM, Christoph Derndorfer wrote:

Am 01.03.2011 13:36, schrieb Christoph Derndorfer:
Am 28.02.2011 22:59, schrieb John Watlington:

On Feb 23, 2011, at 10:27 AM, Christoph Derndorfer wrote:

I'm still absolutely clueless about the total figures but what I do know
is that Argentina's Conectar Igualdad program
(http://www.conectarigualdad.gob.ar/) will distribute 3 million
Classmate PCs in part of its public secondary school system by the end of 2012. By late December approximately half a million of them had
supposedly been distributed.

According to the web site at the URL provided above, none have
been delivered to children as of Feb. 28.

When I was in Buenos Aires in mid-December for a 3-day workshop
organized by the Argentinian MoE I also met my former Argentinian host brother and his cousin who had received their Classmate PCs in late

So I know that at least two of them have actually been distributed (and
no, this time not based on dubious information from Kigali;-)

We continue to hear that Classmates are being deployed, but nobody
can provide concrete information about where and how many.

I'll get in touch with some people in Buenos Aires to try and figure out
what the current figure there is.

Okay, just found
which supposedly provides the number of distributed netbooks and is
updated on a weekly basis.

The count as of today is 358,227.

Impressive number.  What software are they running ?

It's dual-boot with Windows and Linux.

According to a manual
on the Conectar Igualdad Web site for Linux they're using the
Debian-based (IIRC) OS from http://www.pixartargentina.com.ar/ however
one of the project leads just told me that it's Ubuntu so they might
have changed their mind since the manual was written.

On the Windows side there's also slightly confusing information with
again the manual making a reference to Windows XP whereas
talks about Windows 7 Professional. But again I've asked that project
lead for a clarification and will report back once I know more.

Hope that helps.


Christoph Derndorfer
co-editor, www.olpcnews.com
e-mail: christ...@olpcnews.com
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Walter Bender
Sugar Labs
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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