2011/3/21 Christoph Derndorfer <e0425...@student.tuwien.ac.at>:

> Especially given how much Linux is used around
> schools in the country and that Latin America is the hotbed for all
> things OLPC and 1-to-1 computing at the moment I'm simply surprised that
> there's no established olpc/Sugar community here already.

I'm also surprised that I've seen a bigger OLPC/Sugar community in
France than in Spain. I have an explanation, though: PCs with some GNU
Linux educational distro are deployed all around Spain, taken care of
by the regional authorities, which makes the situation different from
the French one (individual or local initiatives) or the Central/South
American one (OLPC or similar hardware).

Consider the case in Andalusia. All the computers, the thousands of
them, are administered and updated remotely - so the operating system
has to be the same all around, the network configuration and services,
etc. From the Spanish point of view, Sugar running on GNU LInux, as an
environment like Squeak, would be more interesting than as an
alternative independent approach.

Juan Rafael Fernández
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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