Thanks, Sascha. All of this goes into The Undiscoverable, and later into
Sugar documentation.

On Thu, May 12, 2011 4:19 pm, Sascha Silbe wrote:
> Excerpts from Johanna Wener's message of Thu May 12 21:08:31 +0200 2011:
>> The big problem I have is, that everything that the children do on the
>> olpc
>> could not be used for learning because there is no way to print their
>> works
>> out.
> I expect others to reply to the educational part of that sentence (i.e.
> is there a better way to reach your goals than consuming lots of energy,
> water and trees?).
>> We tried to make a screenshot and send it by mail - doesnt work!
> What exactly have you tried and how did it fail?
> Walters brand-new Portfolio activity [1] has support for exporting
> selected, annotated Journal entries as HTML. You could save it to a USB
> stick, open the HTML file on a computer with an attached printer and
> print from within the browser.
> If you install CUPS on the system running Sugar (probably an XO judging
> from the subject), you can use a browser other than Browse to print
> locally. Or you can copy the Journal entry to the regular file system
> using copy-to-journal and print using the "lpr" command from within
> Terminal.
> A whole bunch of other options would combine the following:
> 1. Acquiring a printable file:
>    a) take a screenshot by pressing <Alt>+1
>    b) some activities can export as PDF
>    c) some activities can export as HTML
>    d) some activities use a file format that can be read by non-Sugar
>       applications (e.g. Write uses ODT, native file format of
>       LibreOffice nee OpenOffice)
>    e) Write 73 can export to PDF, so you could try using the clipboard
>       to import content into Write and export as PDF
> 2. Transferring the file to Gnome or a different computer:
>    a) copy to a USB stick, SD card or USB hard disk using the Journal
>    b) using copy-from-journal from within Terminal to copy the Journal
>       entry to the home directory (so Gnome can access it)
>    c) using datastore-fuse [3] to access the Journal entry from within
>       Gnome (experimental - you might need help from a techie)
>    d) uploading the files to some web site (Moodle, wiki, photo
>       gallery like Flickr, pastebin site, ...) and accessing that site
>       from the computer with the printer.
> 3. Printing from within Gnome or on a different computer running a
>    desktop system other than Sugar:
>    a) for PDF and ODT just opening the file and printing from within the
>       PDF viewer resp. word processor should usually work well enough.
>    b) for HTML use a browser. You might need to tweak some options to
>       get pretty output. I've seen browsers cutting a line of text in
>       half; hopefully that's fixed by now.
>    c) Gimp is pretty good for printing images, though it could be a bit
>       overwhelming.
>    d) CUPS understands several file formats natively (including images);
>       just type "lpr name_of_the_file.jpg" (without the quotes).
> I'd love to tell you to download the Print activity [2] and print
> directly from within Sugar, but unfortunately I haven't managed to get
> it to work yet. However, the above options hopefully get you unblocked
> now; we can work on better solutions later.
> Sascha
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> --
> _______________________________________________
> IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Edward Mokurai
&#1580;) Cherlin
Silent Thunder is my name, and Children are my nation.
The Cosmos is my dwelling place, the Truth my destination.

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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