On Sat, May 14, 2011 12:08 pm, Valerie Taylor wrote:
> I'm becoming more convinced that the "solution" is a robust index /
> retrieval system. Provide the "big picture" - what OERs are currently
> available, how they map to the Replacing Textbooks vision of
> curriculum for all, what is missing, where there are works in progress
> and the status. This needs to be really up-to-date and easy to update.
> And of course, open software.

I took a quick look in Synaptic to see what sorts of package Ubuntu offers
for these purposes.

Search "repository"

Hyper Estraier is a full-text search system.

Search "document" "database"

couchdb RESTful document oriented database, system DB
mongodb An object/document-oriented database
Monotone A distributed version (revision) control system
SiSU documents - structuring, publishing in multiple formats and search

No doubt there are others.

> Let the OERs live where ever works for the creators. Make open space
> available by all means. Suggest outlines, vocabularies, categories.
> Peer reviews and ratings, librarian / curator function for tags and
> categories would be helpful, too.
> My first pass of the tasks for this would be:
>     * communication / status - big picture - what is available, what
> is needed, work in progress, requests for collaboration
>     * curriculum outlines - identify what is needed
>     * existing OERs - find, categorize, dynamic / real-time map to big
> picture
>     * identify gaps - so work can be directed to create missing
>     * manage volunteers efforts - guidelines, questions
>     * project management
>>> there are lots of
>>> disconnected education resources but little overall structure. This is
>>> not
>>> a criticism of the community, without the community, the resources
>>> would
>>> not exist.
>> We will also need a repository that can handle a multidimensional
>> collection of documents
>> * on every school subject and teacher training subject, plus many more
>> * at every level of child development
>> * for every country
>> * in every language needed
> That's why I am suggesting an index because the problem is too complex
> for a single repository which doesn't scale.
>> There are several useful structuring principles. Mine is the growth of
>> children's mental capacities.
> The solution must support several useful structuring principles.
> This is a tall order but I think it will have the best outcomes for
> educators and learners. And with this group behind it, it can attract
> the critical mass necessary to be seriously important and interesting.
> :o)
> _______________________________________________
> IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
> IAEP@lists.sugarlabs.org
> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/iaep

Edward Mokurai
ج) Cherlin
Silent Thunder is my name, and Children are my nation.
The Cosmos is my dwelling place, the Truth my destination.

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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