Hi Sridhar,

I don't fully understand your scenario.

You say an XS is not an option... but I thought you were using XS,
with Jerry's help?  If you are using XS, you can use Moodle.

If there is no XS, then any webbased tool that offers a file upload
form to post a file to share will work. You can install Moodle (even
on Windows servers ;-) ), or Mahara, or WordPad or anything you like.
In a pure-MS world, it will probably work with Sharepoint if it has a
usable web frontend.

Unfortuntely, there's no easy way to do it with CIFS or NFS -- it
would be an interesting addition to Sugar (possibly to the Journal)
but it's a big project.



On Tue, May 17, 2011 at 3:42 AM, Sridhar Dhanapalan
<srid...@laptop.org.au> wrote:
> How can XOs copy files to/from their Journal with a server? We want
> the ability for teachers to easily make files available for children,
> and for children to upload to the server.
> It's not practical to install another server (so an XS is not an
> option). Most schools have a Windows-based server, so they could use
> CIFS files shares. Accessing this is doable through GNOME, but not in
> Sugar with the Journal.
> Sridhar Dhanapalan
> Technical Manager
> One Laptop per Child Australia
> M: +61 425 239 701
> E: srid...@laptop.org.au
> A: G.P.O. Box 731
>      Sydney, NSW 2001
> W: www.laptop.org.au
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