On Sun, Jun 19, 2011 at 08:55, Donald Cohen <doncohenmath...@gmail.com>
> Ed,
> You have asked me to put my book Calculus By and For Young
> under a CC license-which I've done.

Thank you.

> Why not use my methods/lessons on the
> computer?  Someone could make it work on the computer.

Exactly. See the Nepalese Epaati software described at


>  If you send me your
> address I will send each of you a CD with my worksheet book.

Edward Cherlin
2212 Home Ave.
Columbus IN 47201

Didn't you send me one?

> In the meantime you could check out my A Map to Calculus
> http://www.mathman.biz/html/map.html
> and see all the
> "lessons" I do involving fractions.(a sample- infinite series, cookie
> sharing, solving equations, graphing linear equations to slope and area
> under curves, probability, continued fractions, infinite sequence of ratios
> of consecutive Fibonacci #s, Binomial expansion (Pascal's triangle), c/d of
> a circle, similar triangles, scale factors... ).

Well done.

> On Monday I will be able to see my A Map to Calculus on a smart phone as an
> APP!

Congratulations. Who did the programming? Have you seen


> Why do you want to use the old wheel and make textbooks?

Not at all. The program is Replacing Textbooks by integrating software
into the curriculum, as in


> Remember Feynman!
> Couldn't problems be put on the computer after children work on the
> "lessons"? NO.


> Couldn't the kids make up the questions? When that happens
> they really learn what they are doing, and the problems they make up are
> usually harder that those I make up. So the kids would make the textbook on
> the computer! They could even rate the questions- too easy, easy, harder,
> most difficult.

Exactly. Kids could at some point write programs to set themselves
problems, although that doesn't cover the really creative questions that
are children's best contributions. The more interesting part is when
children are able to act like scientists who understand that the
importance of a new discovery is measured by the number and variety of new
questions that it opens up, and the number of old ideas that it knocks
down. Really good examples include non-Euclidean geometry, non-standard
arithmetic and analysis, quantum theory, relativity, and evolution.

> I am making a list of activities I use with kids which involve fractions
> will send this. I am a little slow, and with my kid-sessions/week (about
> and two students coming from CA and LA for 5 days each, the end of June and
> the first week in July, please be patient.

I consider it well worth the wait.

> Don
> --
> "Learning, Living and Loving mathematics.."- the core of Don's teaching and
> books, observed by Seth Nielson.
> The Math Program
> Don Cohen -The Mathman
> 809 Stratford Dr.
> Champaign, IL 61821-4140
> Tel. 217-356-4555
> Fax: 1 217 356 4593
> Email: doncohenmath...@gmail.com
> Don's Mathman website URL: http://www.mathman.biz
> See Don's new clickable  A Map to Calculus with student works and sample
> problems from Don's books at every node
> Our Shaklee website:
> http://marilynanddoncohen.myshaklee.com

Edward Mokurai
&#1580;) Cherlin
Silent Thunder is my name, and Children are my nation.
The Cosmos is my dwelling place, the Truth my destination.

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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