Thanks Ron!

Well, there are no barriers besides some work and a few more features to make 
up the differences in either direction. So that is probably what should be done.



>From: Ron Teitelbaum <>
>To: 'Alan Kay' <>; 'Steve Thomas' <>; 
>'iaep' <>;; 'squeakland' 
><>;; John Maloney 
>Sent: Friday, September 2, 2011 10:47 PM
>Subject: RE: [squeakland] [IAEP] Why is Scratch more popular than Etoys?
>Hi All,
>Terrific answer Alan.  The user experience issue is something we deal with in 
>a number of different places.  Our systems are very difficult to explain to 
>people but once you get people in to try it they get it.  The learning curve 
>on OpenQwaq is very small for beginners and we have depth for advanced users 
>(arguably to much depth in places, making the system more complex than it 
>needs to be).  The problem seems to be getting people in and keeping them 
>there long enough to get it.  
>I showed Etoys and Scratch to my daughter.  She was 15 at the time I believe.  
>She needed some prodding to understand Etoys but picked up Scratch right 
>away.  The initial concept explanation was very simple with Scratch: This is a 
>thing, this is an action, this is logic.  See how they are all puzzle pieces 
>that fit together?  The initial concept explanation for Etoys took longer.   
>In both cases she was drawn to drawing and making things look interesting much 
>more than the movement or logic.  
>I love both pieces of software.  Scratch is fun and easy to explain plus it 
>drives people to try and understand programming by giving hints about what 
>things can work together.  I spent much more time enjoying Etoys.  Not 
>surprising considering what I do for a living, but still I was playing and 
>creating much more interesting things in Etoys.  The concepts are a bit harder 
>to pick up because it demands more understanding from students and takes more 
>mentoring from teachers but I agree with Alan: it has more depth, which is 
>much more satisfying for someone with real interest.   
>I’ve been considering a 3d version of Scratch or Etoys for OpenQwaq.  I’ve 
>been drawn more to Scratch then Etoys probably because I place a higher value 
>on the amount of time it takes to explain and see initial results.  From a 
>teacher perspective this has tremendous value since it makes my job easier, 
>and it allows more people to take advantage of the features if they find 
>them.  It would keep their interest long enough to find value and then come 
>back later to try some real things for themselves.  I suppose I worry that 
>Etoys would be very useful but if people don’t use it long enough to see it 
>work they will give up and never use it.
>So from my perspective as a software provider Scratch wins, but if I were 
>providing the software for ME to use I would rather see Etoys.  I guess I’ve 
>convinced myself that there is no good answer.  What matters more is not the 
>software but the student and the teacher.  Given a talented and motivated 
>student I’d probably spend the time and energy showing them Etoys because they 
>will hit the wall on Scratch much sooner.  A student that shows little 
>interest and really only wants the basics will do better on Scratch. 
>Interesting discussion.
>All the best,
>Ron Teitelbaum
>Immersive Collaboration Expert
>3d Immersive Collaboration Consulting
>[] On Behalf Of Alan Kay
>Sent: Friday, September 02, 2011 11:34 PM
>To: Steve Thomas; iaep;; squeakland; 
>Subject: Re: [squeakland] [IAEP] Why is Scratch more popular than Etoys?
>Both Etoys and Scratch were done by some of the same people (especially John 
>Maloney), and both are on top of Squeak Smalltalk. The original Etoys 
>interface was more like Scratch's (small area for action results, most of the 
>screen area used for showing tools, tiles, etc.). The first Etoys was aimed at 
>the web (at Disney), and making the start up more obvious and using more 
>screen for it is a good idea I think. The projects for the first Etoys were 
>also like Scratch projects: effects, jokes, postcards, simple animations, etc.
>The next version of Etoys was for classrooms that would have much more help 
>and do more ambitious projects. So we went to a full screen with flaps for the 
>tools. This worked well in this setting.
>The OLPC XO presented a problem in that it had lots of pixels but a very small 
>visual angle.  We decided to stay with the classroom version, and I think this 
>was a good idea on the one hand, but it went against the general lack of help 
>that might be available in many of the XO's destinations.
>Then we handed Etoys over to the Squeak Foundation, and the version they put 
>out online retains the classroom UI with flaps.
>Personally, I think the Scratch UI is better for many things than the Etoys 
>UI, especially first encounters, which are so important for so many beginners 
>these days. And I think the Scratch people have done a fantastic job on their 
>web presence, including their gallery, the emulator for Scratch projects so 
>you can see what they do, their online materials, etc.
>On the other hand, Scratch lacks a real media system, a massively parallel 
>particle system, and many other features that are really needed and useful for 
>learning things beyond simple programming. Etoys is much more complete in many 
>more ways.
>Both systems have strong and weak points as to their language choices. Both 
>lack nice extensions into more sophisticated programming. Both need to be 
>greatly improved.
>And so forth.
>But I think in the world we live in, it is initial experiences that count in a 
>non-classical culture (and this is most cultures around the world including 
>the US). So we have to praise Scratch here, and wish that it had more depth. 
>Etoys could easily be set up with a more useful exposed UI, and this would 
>help tremendously in initial impressions.
>As to how many features to include, this is a tricky one. Scratch has quite a 
>few features -- such as the thought balloon one -- because it was primarily 
>initially designed for the "Computer Clubhouses", afternoon drop in 
>experiences for junior high and high school kids. 
>Etoys has fewer built in features because part of the "real deal" is to learn 
>how to make your own features. It could have clip art, but we left it out 
>because it is cognitively a good thing for children to learn how to draw. This 
>is good for a "learning tool", but is not good for a "productivity tool".
>There is no question that both systems could be improved along the lines of 
>their current styles.
>One could also imagine taking the lessons learned from both systems and 
>inventing a new environment that is quite a bit better than either. I like 
>this option the best.
>>From:Steve Thomas <>
>>To: iaep <>;; squeakland 
>>Sent: Friday, September 2, 2011 7:04 PM
>>Subject: [IAEP] Why is Scratch more popular than Etoys?
>>I have taught both Scratch and Etoys to kids and hands down most kids prefer 
>>Scratch.  I also prefer Scratch for certain things, but prefer Etoys for most 
>>learning and teaching.
>>What can we learn from Scratch (and TurtleArt et al) to improve Etoys?  And 
>>vice versa what can be done to improve Scratch?
>>I have ideas, which I will share later, but I am curious to hear the thoughts 
>>of others (as mine add nothing to my current understanding and repeating them 
>>will simply further ingrain incomplete and incorrect assumptions and 
>>prejudices ;)
>>P.S. I fully believe kids should learn multiple languages and am not looking 
>>for the "one ring to rule them all."  Each language/environment has its 
>>advantages and we need multiple.
>>IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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