Hola Sebastián, saludos cordiales.  Disculpas en la tardanza, aquí va lo

*Sugar Teams Update Report*

*Nombre de Equipo*:  Sugar Labs Chile

*Misión*:  Mediante la implementación de la plataforma Sugar, catalizar
innovación en los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje formal e informal,
asegurando condiciones de acceso equitativo a una educación de calidad y
generando capacidades locales mediante el desarrollo de del uso y creación
de conocimiento libre.

*Metas a corto plazo (3 a 6 meses)*:

   1. Consolidar el trabajo iniciado en 2 escuelas para implementar
   curricularmente Sugar en los niveles de 3ro y 4to Básico durante el segundo
   semestre de 2011, tras sesiones de inducción y capacitación docente.
   2. Conocer los resultado del concurso CYTED que postuló a fondos para
   generar una red temática de investigación a distancia con otros Sugar Labs y
   universidades latinoamericanas.

*Metas a medio plazo (6 meses a un año)*:

   1. Se gestiona la posibilidad de que ambas escuelas compren la cantidad
   de 100 XO 1.5 para implementar Sugar en 2012.
   2. Buscar alianza con grupo de usuarios de Fedora en Chile para disponer
   de capacidades técnicas y de soporte en Sugar.
   3. Realizar un encuentro tipo seminario que permita difundir y situar
   Sugar en la palestra pública nacional.
   4. Crear un curso de perfeccionamiento docente de Sugar para desarrollar
   las competencias TIC para docentes, según estándares internacionales.

* Metas a Largo Plazo (uno a 3 años)*:

   1. Gestionar la instalación de Sugar en plataformas de hardware que
   permitan comercializar netbooks u otros dispositivos presentes en el mercado
   2. Gestionar una implementación de OLPC-XO a escala mediana en Chile.

*¿Qué hace el equipo a ver como sus limitaciones de tener más éxito en su

   - La imposibilidad de contar con el OLPC XO no nos permite tener una
   solución de hardware idónea para la implementación de Sugar, a pesar de
   haber probado en un piloto con una solución de Sugar on a Stick (SoaS) que
   dió éxito relativo y que no permite escalar.
   - Siendo los participantes con un perfil educativo, carecemos de
   habilidades técnicas avanzadas que nos permitan gestionar la tecnología de
   forma eficiente en una implementación.

*¿Qué está haciendo para tratar de resolver la restricción?*

   - Gestionar recursos para la compra de OLPC-XO en baja cantidad (100
   - Generar alianzas con grupos de usuarios local de Fedora y con
   distribuidores de hardware que dispongan de capacidades técnicas para
   instalar Sugar en otros dispositivos de hardware.

*¿Qué puede 'Central' Sugar Labs o de la comunidad para ayudar?*

   - Sabemos que hay muchas implementaciones en Latinoamérica, pero es poco
   el conocimiento que tenemos de las mismas.  Se aduce a la falta de tiempo el
   no poder sistematizar y difundir adecuadamente las experiencias de
   implementación, no sólo los aciertos si no también los fracasos.


*Name of team:*  Sugar Labs Chile

*Mission statement:*  By deploying the Sugar platform, catalyze innovation
in the formal and informal teaching-learning process, ensuring equitable
conditions of access to quality education and building local capacity
through the development of the use and creation of free knowledge.

*Short Term Goals (three–six months)*:

   1. Consolidate the work initiated in 2 schools to implement Sugar
   in K-3 and K-4 levels in the second half of 2011, after a Sugar induction
   and teacher training.
   2. Knowing the outcome of the contest that ran CYTED funds to generate a
   thematic research network with other Latin American universities and Sugar

*Medium Term Goals (6 months–one year)*:

   1. We are pushing and supporting the possibility of 2 schools to purchase
   the amount of 100 Sugar XO 1.5 to delpoy in 2012.
   2. Find alliance with Fedora-Linux User Group in Chile to provide
   technical and support capabilities to Sugar.
   3. Hold a meeting type seminar to disseminate and put Sugar in the public
   arena nationwide.
   4. Create a teacher training course to develop Sugar ICT skills for
   teachers by international standards.

*Long Term Goals (one year–three years)*:

   1. Manage the Sugar installation in hardware platforms such as netbooks
   and other devices in the Chilean market.
   2. Manage an OLPC-XO implementation of a medium scale (1000) in Chile.

*What does the team see as its constraints from being more successful in its

   1. The impossibility of having the OLPC XO does not allow us to have an
   ideal hardware solution for implementing Sugar, despite having tested a
   pilot with a solution of Sugar on a Stick (SOAS) with relative success, but
   with a difficult and un scalable solution.
   2. As participants with an educational profile, we lack of advanced
   technical skills that allow us to manage technology efficiently in an

*What are you doing to try to resolve the constraint?*

   - Manage resources for the purchase of OLPC-XO in small amount (100
   - Build alliances with local user groups and Fedora hardware vendors who
   have technical skills to install Sugar on other hardware devices.

*What can Sugar Labs 'central' or the community do to help?*
We know there are many implementations in Latin America, but there is little
knowledge we have of them. Is alleged to lack of time not being able to
systematize and disseminate appropriate implementation experiences, not only
the successes but also failures.

2011/9/2 Sebastian Silva <sebast...@somosazucar.org>

> /* inglés abajo - english below */
> Estimados colaboradores de Laboratorios Locales:
> En la última reunión de la Junta, conversamos sobre la necesidad de
> actualizar el estatus de los varios equipos y laboratorios locales.
> Estoy copiando a algunos representantes de los laboratorios locales, para
> que compartan con sus grupos.
> Nos gustaría que cada Local Lab hiciera un breve reporte grupal, por correo
> electrónico, para el 9 de Septiembre y trataran de estar presentes en la
> reunión del 16 de Septiembre.
> Walter adjuntó un formato ejemplo que podemos usar para el reporte.
> Escribo a IAEP porque acordamos usarlo como mecanismo de comunicación.
> Pienso que podríamos aprovechar la oportunidad para comunicarnos y afinar
> estrategias conjuntas.
> ---
> Dear collaborators of Local Labs:
> In the last board meeting, we talked about the need to update the status of
> the various teams and local labs. I'm ccing some representatives of local
> labs I know of, to share with their groups. We'd like each Local Labs to do
> a brief report, by email, by Sept 9th, and try to be present at the meeting
> of September 16th.
> Walter attached a form that can be used for reference for the update.
> I write to IAEP because this is the way agreed to communicate.
> I think we can use the opportunity to communicate and tune joint
> strategies.
> Saludos
> Sebastian
> El 26/08/11 18:20, Walter Bender escribió:
>> At the last Sugar Labs oversight board meeting [1], we discussed the
>> need to update the status of the various teams and local labs. You are
>> receiving this email because you are currently listed as a team
>> coordinator on the wiki [2]. We would like each of you to make a short
>> report on your team by email to the iaep list by 9 September  and plan
>> to attend the next scheduled SLOBs meeting, 16 September. Below [3] is
>> an outline prepared by John Tierney that may serve to guide you in
>> preparing your report.
>> I am aware that some of you are no longer active in your roles. In
>> those cases, could you please send me some names of possible
>> replacements as team coordinators. Also, in some cases, the teams
>> themselves are perhaps obsolete. This will be one of the discussion
>> topics on the 16th.
>> Note that Sebastian Silva will be contacting the local labs on behalf
>> of the oversight board.
>> Looking forward to hearing from you.
>> Thanks.
>> -walter
>> --
>> Walter Bender
>> Sugar Labs
>> http://www.sugarlabs.org
>> [1]: http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/**Oversight_Board/2011/Meeting_**
>> Minutes-2011-08-05<http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Oversight_Board/2011/Meeting_Minutes-2011-08-05>
>> [2]: Team coordinators
>> Activity
>>     Wade Brainerd
>>     Gary C Martin
>> Bug Squad
>>     Simon Schampijer
>> Deployment
>>     Pilar Saenz
>>     Walter Bender
>> Design
>>     Eben Eliason
>>     Christian Marc Schmidt
>> Development
>>     none
>> Documentation
>>     David Farning
>> Education
>>     Walter Bender
>> Infrastructure
>>     Bernie Innocenti
>> Marketing
>>     Sean Daly
>> Oversight Board
>>     Walter Bender
>> Platform Team
>>     Aleksey Lim
>> Translation
>>     Chris Leonard
>>     Rafael Ortiz
>> Wiki
>>     Frederick Grose
>> [3]: Report outline (optional)
>> Sugar Teams Update Report
>> Name of team:
>> Mission statement:
>> Short Term Goals(three–six months):
>> 1.
>> 2.
>> 3.
>> Medium Term Goals(6 months–one year):
>> 1.
>> 2.
>> 3.
>> Long Term Goals(one year–three years):
>> 1.
>> 2.
>> 3.
>> What does the team see as its constraints from being more successful
>> in its Mission? What are you doing to try to resolve the constraint?
>> What can Sugar Labs 'central' or the community do to help?
>> ______________________________**_________________
>> IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
>> IAEP@lists.sugarlabs.org
>> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/**listinfo/iaep<http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/iaep>
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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