On Tue, Oct 11, 2011 at 11:48 PM,  <nanon...@mediagala.com> wrote:
>>On 11/10/2011 09:38 p.m., Walter Bender wrote:
>> .. The only activity shipped with Sugar is a very old version of Turtle
>> Art.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Plan Ceibal installed that Sugar 0.87.1, (on Ubuntu 10.04.3) because they
> didn't Know that TurtleArt Runs on Ubunto+Gnome, they think that running
> Turtle Art under Sugar is the only Way to install it.
> It is not my opinion, is what Plan Ceibal said on the official courseware to
> High school teachers.
> They teach that to the Professors that uses the Magellan. (that the reason
> to install Sugar was to run Turtle Art on Ubuntu)
> I Think they want Turtle Art and Etoys to run on a near future with the Lego
> robots that They already bought.
> They also installed under Gnome: Etoys, Geogebra, Tuxpaint, Mathgraph,
> Python Interpreter, Scratch, OpenOffice, Blender, Pitivi, etc.
> On the Sugar that is installed on Magellan LAptops there are many activities
> that don't Run at all (I don't know why).  Y tried to install many
> activities  and there are a few that runs.  "BRowse" don't Run, for example,
> (I installed it with a pendrive).  Turtle Art (the new one) runs OK, Write
> also, terminal, and the "software update" on the control panel.
> --------------
> In some High School and technical svhools they have The MAgellan both
> TEachers and Children , but only in the departmente of "Canelones" (500,000
> inhabitants).
> On the rest of Uruguayan High schools and technical Schools the Children
> have XO 1.5 (Sugar+Gnome) and  the teachers have the MAgellan
> (Ubuntu+Gnome+Handicapped Sugar)
> Teachers have a 160 Gb Magellan, and children an 8 Gb SSD Magellan
> ----------------------------
> Sorry for my English, I Hope it is almost understandable for you.
> Paolo Benini
> Montevideo
> _______________________________________________
> IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
> IAEP@lists.sugarlabs.org
> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/iaep

Thanks for this update. Very helpful.

Re Browse, it is a know problem: the underlying library is no longer
maintained in Ubuntu, hence the switch to Surf, which uses Webkit. It
would be great to learn a bit more about what other activities run and
don't run. I imagine that Csound may not be installed, so many of the
music activities will not run, for example.



Walter Bender
Sugar Labs
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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