The other day Sascha asked the question, "What do Oversight Board
candidates intend to _do_ during their terms?"

Here in the United states, a new school years is getting underway.
This means afternoons and evenings filled with helping nieces and
nephews with their reading, school work, and piano lessons. While they
learn, I learn about learning. It troubles me that I don't use Sugar
of XO as part of my tutoring. The question I ask my self is, "How can
I recommend Sugar if I don't use it myself?"

The challenges I face are:
1. Aligning with an existing class curriculum.
2. Limited time with each child.
3. Limited preparation time.
4. Limited formal training in curriculum development.
and those who know me will probably add
5. Limited patience :(

Instead of using Sugar, I look though my collection of text books and
a list of websites for resources which augment the days learning
objectives. This is not a criticism of Sugar itself. Just an
observation that while I now fall into a target category of Sugar
users, yet I don't use Sugar. Now that Activity Central is taking
shape, I am going to shift my focus to scratching my own itch as a
uncle and tutor.

My intention for the next couple of years is to create a set of
activities and lessons which fill my needs while addressing my
limitations. As I mature in my understanding of teaching, I will hire
teachers, designers, and developers to replace me in creating these
activities and lessons:) Hopefully deployments and parents will find
the activities and lessons useful enough to use and support.

With regard to the Sugar ecosystem, my goal will be to raise the voice
of content creators and inexperienced teachers.

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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