Hi Everyone and a warm welcome to 27 new members on our olpcSoCal mailing list!

If you missed SCaLE 10X this past weekend, you missed a great conference!  OLPC 
and Sugar Labs had a large presence there with an Upscale slide-talk about 
volunteering on Friday night, two presentations in the OSSIE track, one about 
SoaS by Caryl Bigenho and one about an after school Contributors Program 
project in LA by Abe Kazemzadeh, and, of course,  a great booth in the Expo 
hall on Saturday and Sunday.

With a total of 11 volunteers from the olpcSoCal mailing list, the booth was 
almost like an "Annual Meeting"!  On Saturday we had 3 people come down from 
UCSB to help, Hannah Anderson, Greg Dreshler, and Patrick Koperwas. They were 
joined by Ed and Caryl Bigenho, Danny Hembree, Raj Baberwal, Kenneth Wyrick, 
and an out-of-towner, George Hunt, from New York (and San Francisco). Sunday's 
booth crew included Ed and Caryl, Raj, Kenneth, and George, plus Candy 
Tanamachi and Shirley Nakatsuru and a friend of Kenneth's. Bert Freudenberg 
also stopped by for a little while on Saturday.

George brought 2 developer XO-1.75s, Danny brought a solar panel, and Caryl 
brought a hand crank so folks could see and try the latest hardware.  We didn't 
have an XO-3, but we did have the next best thing: Bert Freudenberg lent us his 
touchscreen XO-1.75 (developers machine) for the show. We put it in book reader 
position so the keyboard was covered and it emulated the new tablet quite 
nicely.  On Sunday we noticed it ran for 7 hours straight without being plugged 
in and was still going strong when we packed up the booth at the end of the 

Other features of our booth included a hands-on table with 6 XO-1.5s (including 
one HS) for folks to play with, a 19" TV/DVD machine playing a continuously 
looping (silent) slideshow about OLPC deployments around the world, and a SoaS 
"Creation Station" where we burned Live CDs of SoaS Pineapple.

Final stats for the weekend:  11 "official" booth volunteers, 27 new mailing 
list members, 30+ Pineapple Live CDs distributed, 150+ "business" cards with up 
to date useful links on the back distributed.

Thanks to everyone who helped make this happen!  Hope to see even more of you 
there next year.


IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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