On Sat, Jun 02, 2012 at 04:42:11PM -0700, Caryl Bigenho wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> While prepping for a short presentation about Tam Tam Mini yesterday, I ran 
> into a small problem I haven't noticed before. There seems to be an 
> intermittent static popping sound when keys are pressed. It is difficult to 
> pin down the cause, but it happens across all active keys and all of the XO 
> models I have at hand: XO-1, XO-1.5, XO-1.5HS and XO-1.75.  While it doesn't 
> interfere with the basic use of Tam Tam, it is definitely a problem that 
> should be looked in to. Since it occurs with three different types of 
> keyboard, it seems unlikely the keyboard is the problem.

You mean probelme when you keep key pressed to some long time and
TamTamMini starts repeating the sound. Yes, thats the problem. Will see
how to fix it.

> For Musicians, Physics nuts, and Synthesizer gurus only:
> I also noted an unusual anomaly with the instrument tuning. I tested the 
> intonation of the XO with a small electronic tuner clipped to the lid near 
> the speaker. The intonation of the notes is amazingly accurate to an A=440 
> pitch. All of the instruments I tested, except one, were tuned in "C." In 
> other words, you play a "Do" on the Z, ",", Q, or I keys, you get the pitch 
> we call "C." However, one instrument, the Shehnai, sounds a "G" when Do is 
> played. Since I didn't test all 60+ sounds, I can't say for sure there aren't 
> others that do this as well.
> It is quite well in tune, just with different notes than expected. This could 
> be intentional. However, it occurs to me that since G is the first overtone 
> for the note C, when the notes for the Shahnai were programmed they may have 
> accidentally left out the fundamental toneā€¦ C (and on up the scale) and 
> instead used the fifth as the fundamental. Someone might want to take a look 
> at that.

There are several intruments added not by original authors:

    'au tahana (winds)
    Temple Bell (percussions)
    Sarangi (strings)
    Nepali drum kit

So, there might be problems. Any help from people, who are experienced in
such filed, is welcome.

> Have fun with these. Let me know if you find out something or if something 
> needs to be fixed.
> Caryl                                           

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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