The situation is sad, but it's True.
In a school the teachers can start an unusual class and try other ways
for teach and the students (6 to 11 years old in .UY) follow the
instructions of the teachers.
In a high school (12 to 18 years old in .UY), teachers have 45 minutes
per class and one year for teach a list of contents. In 45 minutes,
there's not time for try another working method and when they do it
students use the web browser for log into social networks without
permission of the teacher. So the teachers prefer the traditional
class where they already know how to have all the control in the
I think the expected usage of Sugar and computers in the classrooms
here, is happening slowly only in primary schools.

Warm regards,

2012/10/13 Sebastian Silva <>:
> Otra vez viajando en el tiempo!
> Un abrazo
> Sebastian
> On vie, 2012-11-23 at 22:54 -0200, wrote:
>> >On 23/09/2012 04:16 p.m., Agustin Zubiaga Sanchez wrote:
>> > ...when I was in primary school, no teacher was concerned with
>> explaining how to use my XO
>> >... And when I started the high school was the same, no teacher was
>> interested in the XO, except Mr. Flavio Danesse
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> I've been saying the same things for years, but people take me as a
>> pessimist or worse.
>> Paolo Benini
>> _______________________________________________
>> IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
> _______________________________________________
> IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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