Yes, dear Caryl, I fear there is a problem with this course. They stopped communicating after the initial message. I have sent a message today to (where the emails in September came from) asking them if the course started at all. No answer yet.


Am 16.10.2012 20:15, schrieb Caryl Bigenho:
Thanks Zachary,

I'll just send this on to the mailing lists and see if anyone has heard. I checked the class page and registration is closed. There is no way to contact them as far as I can see. Do you have the originating address for the one email you did receive?


Hey Foks! Has anyone who signed up for the Stanford Venture Lab Education MOOC heard from them? The class was supposed to start yesterday.

> From:
> Subject: Re: Stanford Venture Lab Course
> To:
> Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2012 11:14:28 -0600
> I don't. That was the only email I received. I believe the
> class started yesterday, but I believe I am out of the loop as
> well. As far as I now, there might not even be a class
> anymore.
> Zachary Clifton
> ---- Original message ----
> >Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2012 09:52:51 -0700
> >From: Caryl Bigenho <>
> >Subject: Stanford Venture Lab Course
> >To: Zachary Clifton <>
> >
> > Hello Zachary,
> > I am still not getting emails from the Stanford
> > Venture Lab. Thanks for sending the one note you
> > sent earlier. Have there been others? I can't find
> > an email address to contact them to see if somehow I
> > got left out. Do you have a link to the discussion
> > forum mentioned in the message you forwarded?
> > Caryl

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