On Tue, 8 Jan 2013 18:19:13 -0300
Gonzalo Odiard <gonz...@laptop.org> wrote:
> Thanks Walter,
> I want share two ideas to discuss may be in the next meeting:
> * I want to organize, with guys from UY something related with Python Joven,
> the work Flavio Danesse has been doing in the last 2 or 3 years.
> Flavio is doing a very good job, in fact, all, or almost all new hackers in
> UY,
> participated in these events (please Daniel correct me if I am wrong).
All new hackers in .UY subscribed to the Sugar Labs/OLPC mailing lists
participated in at least one event. We live in the same country, but
not in the same city/town.

> I was in Flavio's house one month ago, talking with him, trying to see how
> this success
> can be reproduced, but is not so easy.
It's as easy as trying to teach students to play a musical instrument
in a school classroom. Some few students may feel it easy and fun, but
not all of them.

> Anyway, we need see how we can help
> put more events like this in movement, the more difficult part is get
> teachers involved.

> * I want work in a web view of the Journal, may be first as a activity,
> but later integrated in Sugar. If we have this working, I think we can
> improve
> the social side of sugar, making easier show results, add comments, likes,
> etc.
> If we can have this webview working in the schoolserver too,
> and sync all the related data, can be a first step in the cloud direction,
> and is not so difficult to start. I share this here, because is only a idea
> right now,
> and may be is related to the comment from Walter.

There are some technical parts difficult to decide, but in general I
think it's a good idea.

Best regards,
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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