1) OLE Nepal's live video presentation of their OLPC/Sugar deployment work
begins 9AM NYC Time tomorrow (Monday, July 8) off this site:


OLE Nepal's Executive Director Rabi Karmacharya will be accompanied by his
Program Manager (Subir Pradhanang) and Network/Systems guy (Basanta
Shrestha) discussing their foundational OLPC/Sugar community deployment.
Catalyzing so many volunteers early on in 2008/2009, as they took on the
hardest challenges from day 1 (School Server, deliberate pedagogy
electronic library, electrical/networking hacks, political outreach, etc).
time to assess where these many thousands of Nepalese kids heading today,
around this exquisite and challenging learning technology journey, and we'd
you to join !

2) Most important I'd ask everyone to submit questions about
http://olenepal.org in advance, either to cont...@unleashkids.org or by
Tweeting hashtag #unleashkids.
Community and Deployment are such big and vital words, but what could be
more meaningful that intermingling our half-decade of global deployment
keeping OLPC/Sugar's beating hearts so real?  I encourage everyone to dig
into the Nepal story starting @ http://planet.laptop.org and
http://planet.sugarlabs.org, as we're *extremely privileged* Nepal is
a window into their extraordinary experience -- presenting about an hour
on this central topic:

   Enhancing Teaching & Learning with Appropriate Technologies at OLE Nepal

3) Finally a gigantic thanks to the all-volunteer force making these diverse
biweekly live video interviews possible, uncovering difficult reveals on
how we
can all move the OLPC/Sugar enigma forward.  They know well who they are,
but maestro Mike Lee especially deserves the highest recognition--for
driving us all to bring these historical micro-documentaries into fruition.
Thanks Mike-- and perhaps all worldwide will one day be part of Mike's
http://olpclearningclub.org after all =)

Unsung Heroes of the OLPC Community, interviewed live @
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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