Hi Folks….

A strange new kind of email hacking happened yesterday. I got a junk mail from 
"ca...@laptop.org" (that's me!) sent to me!  It is supposedly recruiting for 
some sort of "Environmental corporation" and asks for a lot of personal 
information. It tells you to send the information to a 
"da...@googleapp-consult.com". The email is definitely not from me. You 
probably wouldn't want to respond to it (and shouldn't).

I would have sent a heads-up sooner, but Hotmail (Outlook) has been unavailable 
much of the time over the past 24 hours. I am trying to send this while it is 
working. I guess a lot of other people had the same problem with outages and I 
have heard that a lot of accounts were "hacked" a couple of days ago and that 
updating it and fixing it may have caused the outages. Maybe mine was one of 
the ones hacked and that is why that message was sent? Anyway… as always… don't 
send any personal info via email… probably ever!

Stay Cyber-safe!

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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