I have also been waiting patiently (well, not really very patiently) for some 
news about Sugar coming to Android. So far, I have heard nothing new. So I 
guess it isn't too late to throw my educator's opinion into the mix...One of 
the things that makes Sugar the ideal learning platform for children (and 
youth) is the wonderful compatibility of so many of the Activities ... both 
from Activity to Activity and from student to student. This facilitates the 
sort of learning we are all hoping to see more of... creative problem solving, 
project based learning and cooperative learning. Without this ability to 
integrate parts of projects, it would just be another collection of apps.Thanks 
for "listening"Caryl

From: sve...@sfsu.edu
Date: Thu, 5 Sep 2013 13:14:59 -0700
To: iaep@lists.sugarlabs.org; de...@lists.laptop.org
Subject: [IAEP] Sugar on Android via HTML5

So, I've been mulling this for some time now. At work we are looking into using 
FireFoxOS as a platform for HTML5 apps in some of our courses. It's exciting 
that there is some momentum on the HTML5 activities in Sugar. 

What I'm unsure about is the implementation. Outside of the classic Sugar shell 
and activities (say, on a XO), are we envisioning the whole Sugar experience on 
Android, UI and all, or are we looking to have Sugar activities running on 
Android (with appropriate mods) but as yet another app?

Has there been any conversation on this that I missed?

Sameer Verma, Ph.D.
Professor, Information Systems
San Francisco State University


IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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