I hear good things about AppInventor


I never learned to create apps because most of my projects are on the web.
Not the best solution for offline / developing world schools, but if you
get started with HTML, you then can develop a PhoneGap app to contain the
content offline.

On Oct 14, 2013 10:35 AM, "Caryl Bigenho" <ca...@laptop.org> wrote:

> Hi Folks...
> I am wondering what I would need to learn to be able to program apps for
> Android? Specifically, to help port Sugar Apps there. I have an excellent
> programming background in several "old" languages (Fortran, BASIC, and
> Pascal) and have played around a bit with Python (used it for a Physics
> MOOC I took this summer) and HTML (know some of the basic syntax and
> vocabulary).
> It seems that the fundamental concepts of programming transcend language
> and if one can learn the new vocabulary and syntax rules you should be good
> to go. Is this a correct assumption? If so, what is the minimum I would
> need to learn to get started? Can you suggest some resources for this?
> Thanks!
> Caryl
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