
I am really intrigued by this idea, and am interested in participating in
the project.
I would encourage that you add Turtle Blocks to the scope of work.


On Sun, Nov 10, 2013 at 12:42 AM, Caryl Bigenho <>wrote:

> Hi Folks…
> First I would like to state that I fully support the maintenance and
> expansion of Sugar for the XO family and believe that should be one of the
> main goals of Sugar Labs as we move into the future.
> That said, I want to speak out in favor of developing a different version
> of Sugar that could be distributed worldwide, either (1) to the many
> Android tablets and phones that are or will be in the hands of children and
> teachers, in the form of an app available free at the PlayStore or, (2) on
> its own new website where students could create projects., much like that
> of Scratch (
> My reasons for advocating this approach are several, including such things
> as:
>  The large number of devices already in use that could  utilize Sugar in
> this way
>  The large number of new users that could be continuously added (unlike
> for the XO)
>  There are probably any more people are able to create and work in HTML5,
> CSS, and JavaScript than can program Sugar Activities in Python.
> Of course, this would necessitate starting most of these from scratch, but
> the project could be started with a small set of key Activities that would
> allow users to have the Sugar experience and begin using it for Project
> Based Learning.
> I have put together a small mind-map (attached) showing what this might
> include for starters. There would be a set of resource Activities (such as
> the 4 shown on the map) and a set of "creating" Activities (like the 4 on
> the map) that would use some or all of the resource Activities to create
> curriculum based projects. As time goes on, more Activities could be added
> to updates.
> Recruiting for this project could reach out to new volunteers at places
> like SCaLE and Linux Users Groups.  I would love to help work with a small
> team to recruit and organize this effort. I am just a beginner at HTML, but
> understand a lot about Sugar and how to use it for learning.
> Caryl
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