> A few questions:
> You mention that the text-to-speech works for plain text and ePubs; does
> that mean it doesn't work for PDFs? I would test this on my personal XO,
> but I'm waiting for my charger to arrive in the mail...
You still can select the text and use the global text to speech (in Sugar
Frame) like in any other activity,
but you don't have text to speech implemented for pdf in the activity,
like in the other formats. This means you loose some features, like select
the language.

> On another note, at one point you mention that in the Read Etexts activity
> "highlighting may lag behind the words being spoken." Does this activity
> actually highlight the words as the computer is reading them? Using the
> text-to-speech function built into the Frame of later versions of Sugar, I
> haven't seen it do that.
That is implemented in Read Etexts, and not in the text o speech
implemented in the Frame due to that problem.


> I'm glad someone's thinking of how to structure large amounts of resources
> in the future. That's not exactly our situation, since we're only dealing
> with 300 - 500 books in an extracurricular program that doesn't have to tie
> things to curriculum. Sorting of some sort will be important, but I guess
> my own priority at the moment is giving teachers and students the tools to
> share great reading materials with each other. Thanks for giving some
> advantages of the direct-link system so that even a non-techie like me can
> understand why it might be useful ( ;
I think the Pathagar server is the solution to this particular problem.

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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