There might be a few issues that have a valid place on the Sugar digest.

1. Is it intellectually honest to assert that every XO ever made is in daily 
use? It is one thing to embellish by calling your beer "the worlds best." It is 
another thing to reduce the credibility of such an important project by 

2. Is the passionate response from Messrs. Anderson, Gonzalo, and Bender to 
discussion about inflated Sugar numbers correlated to the limited amount of 
academic research on Sugar and OLPC.

3. Has any progress been made on either the seating of a new Oversight Board or 
the deployment data Mr. Bender promised last month.

And yes, I do all of my initial research under a pseudonym for the the same 
reason food critics do.

Dan Tenason
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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