On Thu, May 28, 2015 at 9:25 AM, Gonzalo Odiard <gonz...@laptop.org> wrote:

>>> Did you think about run for a seat in the SLOB?
>>> http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Oversight_Board/2014-2015-candidates
>> I have considered it, but there are two obstacles:
>> First, my current employer requires me to obtain permission from them to
>> be on the board of a non-profit.  This is not insurmountable, but likely
>> requires proving (amongst other things) that I can completely isolate Sugar
>> from anything my employer pays me to do for all hours that my employer pays
>> me to work.
>> Second, I would like to see some more public signs of organic growth
>> besides the Google events before I commit more than a few hours per week.
>> My available time outside of work is limited, and I have no intention of
>> providing free labor for someone's unknown "customer."
> I hope you run.
> The board can't guaranty "organic growth" but just try involve and connect
> members in the community.
> Is not a executive group.
> But this thread show how we can see this in different ways, you asked
> "What is being done to address the main issues raised by deployments in
> the latest development survey."
> I interpreted "what the board did" and replied "Still nothing"
> James provided a reply with what different members in the community did,
> and is a completely different reply.
> Then, I agree would be better more people involved in the board meetings.
>  Walter, can you confirm if will be next monday or the 8th and the time?
> James, the slobs meeting is usually at our night, then you are awake ;)
> Gonzalo

The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, 1 June (i.e., the first Monday of
the month) at 23UTC (19:00 in Boston/NY/Asuncion) (20:00 Montevideo/BA)
(9:00 Tuesday in Sydney).



Walter Bender
Sugar Labs
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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