This 204-page report is available online here (PDF):

main links page is here:

a 63-slide briefing (powerpoint deck) is on Slideshare:

press release:

The source statistics are available online for customized analysis if

Their conclusion, in short: ICT in schools provide mixed results, at best;
and intensive use of computers in developed countries (school + home)
impacts negatively on reading.

Comparisons are made to previous studies (2009, 2012).

I encourage you to study the many tables comparing dozens of countries
(although, maddeningly, some countries such as Peru are randomly present or
absent, cf. figures 5.5, 5.7). To be fair, not all countries participated
in all surveys.

Uruguay is called out for having very high growth of students' access to
computers (figure 2.17) and increased Internet access in rural schools
(p.134), and has one of the highest rates of ICT use outside of school for
schoolwork, over 70% - comparable to Denmark at the very upper end of the
scale (p.61).

I am concerned that distinctions were not made between computers
(keyboard-equipped devices) and tablets; these were lumped together, while
smartphones and e-book readers were excluded. However, it was found that
tablet users had higher computer usage. Of course, the absence of tablets
in the 2009 study, and their widespread deployment today, makes comparisons
difficult. (see p.69)

Reading and mathematics skills were studied, as well as Internet
navigation; however, unfortunately programming was not.

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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