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On Sun, May 8, 2016 at 8:11 PM, sam@sam.today wrote:
Hi All,

This is a very interesting project, and is a *very large change* to how we'll interact with the journal. *Please join the design discourse*

I think that the idea of providing a way of sorting learning into "mini-journals" is very helpful. Users can make a mini-journal for a unit of work in school, an assignment/project or a group activity that a teacher is running.

I think it is also quite natural. Currently the journal is like one big box; you put everything in and search for it later. Abhijit's proposal makes the journal into a collection of boxes - one box for each project. I swear that you physically do this in real life at times.

Another element of the proposal is forcing people to put every activity in a mini-journal/"box". I think this is a nice way to address journal clutter; you have a box of random stuff for each project rather than a huge box with too much random stuff.

The 2nd element of Abhijit's feature is the collaboration. You can share your box with other people; useful for doing group projects. Your friends can add photos, type more on the "Report" write document, or whatever. I think that this makes the collab system very conceptually simple for us as users.

Technically, the collab will be quite challenging. While Sugar has a collab system when users are in activities ("online" sync), there is not yet a system to sync when the users are not active in the activity ("offline" sync). We can probably get a system that works in good times (when every user is online and connected), but I think that we will focus on adding conflict resolution UI for when things get out of sync.


On Thu, May 5, 2016 at 10:47 AM, Abhijit Patel <abhisandhyasp...@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi all,
I will be working on the Journal-Rethink project during GSoC'16. I would like to discuss with the community regarding the designs and your expectations from this project.

A brief description of project:

Focus -> enhance Journal such that students could use it as a platform to do their project-work.

Major features that will be added are:

1. Shared mini-journal:

Present-> Sugar Journal shares only single instance of an activity with a group of participants.

Idea-> creating one single instance (a mini-journal) which has instances of all the activities to be shared.

UI -> Journal contains list of projects (mini-­journals) in Projects List View [1]. Project [2] contains a list of activities that are shared with the same participants under the same project in the mini ­journal.

Flow chart to explain the feature [3].
[1] Project List View
[2] Mini-Journal (project) View
[3] Flow-Chart

2. File Syncer System for mini-journal:

Use -> sync the files ​when the user does not have the activity running. Further use to alert the user for the changes that occur in the state of shared activity by implementing the alert tool.

UI -> A alert tool box with a palette box which could be used as an indication of new notifications or alerts that will be prompted when the state of shared activity changes.

Other features are like
 -> Icon View for Journal,
 -> "Add new entry" tool,
 -> Integrating chat activity in mini-journal.

More details about the project are in my proposal [4].
Any suggestions or advice regarding the design or any other aspects of the project are welcomed :)

[4] Journal-Rethink-Proposal

Best Regards,
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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