A reflection: Can free-open technology save the rainforest biodiversity?

While you read this, very serious things are going on in the Amazon forest.
Due to the gold fever not only animals and trees are suffering but mainly
indigenous children are getting mercury poisoned as they and their families
eat their traditional fish diet.

30,000 hectares have been devastated only in the past 3 years. Local
indigenous tribes believe they need to communicate this urgently as their
call for help translates in a large effort to understand our "civilized¨
rules and laws. They may just not have enough time.

I believe smart use of free-open technology can help stop this tragedy. At
least I believe international public has the right and the need to know
what is happening here, in the heart of the Amazon.

I hope that we -as a community- get to understand ASAP that the importance
of indigenous languages translations goes a long way beyond the expansion
of Sugar users, but it should serve the promotion of cultural exchange and
the empowerment of current users to communicate with the world.

PS: please try not to buy any gold unless it is recycled

links with more detailed information:

Laura V.
IRC kaametza

Happy Learning!
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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