On Thu, May 12, 2016 at 1:40 PM, Sebastian Silva
<sebast...@fuentelibre.org> wrote:
> El 12/05/16 a las 10:33, Chris Leonard escribió:
>> I would note that, as requested, Edgar provided a brief write-up of
>> the event afterwards (in Spanish),
> Great!
> Please note that one of the speakers (Roger Gonzalo) is the person that
> was hired by the Ministry of Education to polish Edgar's Sugar Aymara
> translations (at the same time that Edgar was hired by Sugar Labs last
> year).
> Since their work conflicted, it would be interesting to hear from Edgar
> if he had a conversation about it with Roger and what conclusions /
> plans they have to resolve their conflicts with regard to Aymara language.

Issues of language are best to the members of language communities to
resolve amongst themselves.  In the end of the day, a deploying
organization is going to be able to make the final decision about what
is deployed, as MinEdPeru did.  In reviewing the number of changes
made to the existing base of Aymara translations I seem to recall
seeing something on the order of 1,000 changes, which is actually
quite small when you consider that there were 20,000 entries in the
system, representing a 5% diff in an important language where Sugar
Labs represents the only substantive L10n effort that I have seen.
The work that Edgar did from the time of the Sugar Labs Lima meeting
until the MinEdPeru made a decision to hire someone to incorporate it
into a build for deployment was remarkable and an excellent investment
of Sugar Labs L10n funds.  "If you build it they will come" is an
approach that may only succeed in a circumstance like Peru.  I only
wish we had someone like Edgar working on Quechua (Cuzco-Collao).

I hope to see efforts on other Peruvian languages that can make the
leap to deployment that Edgar made possible for Aymara.

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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