Yet another try.

Sugar Labs develops and supports Sugar. Sugar is a software system inspired by Alan Kay's Dynabook vision of a personal portable computer for children. While originally designed and implemented for the One Laptop per Child XO laptop, Sugar is available to anyone (GPLv3) and for any computer supporting GNU/Linux or a standards-compliant browser.

Sugar provides a library of programs called activities. Anyone can contribute to this library including the children themselves. Sugar enables children to use these activities to learn both individually and by working with others. Sugar and its activities use icons to minimize dependency on text while supporting text in the child's own language. Activities offer a simple and consistent interface so skills discovered in one activity can be applied in another.

Sugar is designed to promote creation of new work which is saved in a single location, the Journal. The Journal provides easy access to inexperienced users. It enables users to see what they have created and to enrich these creations as their skills mature.

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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