Hi, Walter

I hope Chris Leonard's report will include the present status of his arrangements with the Conservancy (is he officially on board, has he been paid his stipend for May or for June? I would also like the report to include the present status of the Nigerian project. In particular was the first milestone met (setup) and payment made?

I am opposed to the second motion in the agenda.

I hope that Adam or someone will be able to report on our financial 'month' with starting balance, revenue and expenses during the period, and ending balance.

My objections are:

(1) The only method to implement a donation is to write a paper check and send it to the Conservancy. There is an attempt to provide a 'donate' option to the Sugar Labs website, but I believe it has not been implemented.

(2) Such a fund-raising activity should have a target amount. As far as know this goal has not been set.

(3) I have no problem requesting each member to make a donation in an amount they can afford. However, I strongly object asking members to identify themselves as not having the means to make a donation of a specfied amount. A statement like 'In order to meet our financial goal for the year, members should try to donate at least $50 although donations in any amount are welcome' would be acceptable.

(4) We could identify donors of say $100 or more as sponsors or partners or associates or sustaining members, There are many such designations available. The 'prominent placement' and 'release codename' are not acceptable without clarification.

According to Dave Crossland, Caryl Bigenho wants the motion on the Financial Manager to be on the agenda. Has she withdrawn her propsoed motion.

We have a Sugar Labs oversight meeting on Friday, 1 July at 19:00 UTC (See [1]). Please join us on 1rc.freenode.net <http://1rc.freenode.net> #sugar-meetring

See [2] for the current list of agenda items.



[1] http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20160701T15&p0=43&msg=Sugar+Labs+oversight+board+meeting&font=sanserif
[2] https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Oversight_Board#Agenda_items

Walter Bender
Sugar Labs

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IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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