It is hard to describe 'Untitled' as an innovation since it is used by major applications everywhere.


On 07/10/2016 02:51 PM, Sebastian Silva wrote:


Please don't write in private.

"Untitled" is an innovation. Currently untitled documents carry the activity name.

El 10/07/16 a las 07:04, Tony Anderson escribió:
Hi, All

I don't understand why this has to be so difficult. If you have ever used an MS Office or Libre Office application, you know that you have the option to save and the option to save as. This means that you can 'save', overwriting the document stored on disk (updating it) or save as, meaning you can store it as a new document with the name and location of your choosing.

In the case of Sugar, the document will be stored in the Journal so the user has no need or opportunity to choose a location. However, there is still a need to be able to 'save' or 'save as' .


You open Paint and create a red X and save it as x. Then you open x and change the image to a blue O. You want to save it as O, so you change the name.
Now try to open X. It is gone.

Suppose you open Paint to show someone how to select a brush and give it a color. You scribble something. When asked for a name, you click on 'quit' because there is not need to save this image.

The alert should be simple:

*Please give your project a title.   [Untitled]     Save Quit*

The default title is 'Untitled' not 'Write.activity'. If the user clicks save with the title unchanged, it is ignored. If the user clicks on Quit, the activity quits (with no save of the Document - but the metadata is saved). if the user resumes an activity the alert shows:

*Change the title to save as a new document    [X]  Save Quit*

The user changes the title [X] to [Y]. Then Save saves Y to the Journal and X is still in the Journal as well. If the user doesn't change and clicks Save, the X object is deleted and the new X version is saved. if the user clicks on Quit - the document is not saved, the original X document is in the Journal
and the activity quits.


IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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