Hi All...

The badges are a bad idea!  There is absolutely no guarantee that badge holders 
would make any contributions to warrant the amounts they would be collecting 
just for being some kind of "hero" in the past. SugarLabs funds should be 
reserved for specific projects and products. If these special folks on the 
"anointed" list have specific projects they would like to be funded to do... 
great! Let them present proposals ... carefully thought out and carefully 
crafted proposals, to the SLOB for possible approval.

There is also an obvious, huge, conflict of interest in having so many of the 
proposed badge recipients voting on the issue. Doing something like this will 
take away all credibility of SugarLabs as an NGO or even as a viable 
organization that relies heavily on volunteer contributions to their efforts.


From: IAEP <iaep-boun...@lists.sugarlabs.org> on behalf of Laura Vargas 
Sent: Thursday, April 6, 2017 9:06:12 PM
To: Dave Crossland
Cc: iaep; Sugar-dev Devel; ibiamchihurumn...@sugarlabs.org; SLOBs
Subject: Re: [IAEP] [SLOB] meeting reminder

Hi all! Hola a todos!

For tomorrow's Sugar Labs Oversight Board meeting, the Open Badges pilot 
proposal will remain "on hold" since we don't have yet a clear implementation 

Please read the current status of the proposal [1] and consider adding your 
opinion to the discussion page.


[1] https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Open_Badges

Laura V.

“No paradox, no progress.”
~ Niels Bohr

Happy Learning!

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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