I am afraid we are going down another rathole.

Walter has taken the time to write a set of proposed goals, so why are we talking about 2016 goals or writing new ones. As I think it should be clear, I want us to move past academic studies, discussing potential goals, writing detailed proposals and get on with the job.

While I get no response, I still believe it is clear to even the most casual observer that Sugar is locked into its association with the XO. Our primary goal should be to make Sugar available as supported software for the widest range of platforms.

Walter has suggested that making Sugar available as a supported release for the Raspberry Pi should be easy. Great! Then let's do it. If a Sugar release were available for the Pi, I would be happy to exhibit it at the Pi and More meeting in Trier on June 24, 2017. Before Walter can approach the Raspberry Pi Foundation to have Sugar included in NOOBS, it first has to be released and supported by Sugar Labs and proven through deployment.

Having Sugar distributed by the Raspberry Pi Foundation would be a much more important marketing step than anything I have seen mentioned in the past two years.

Walter believes that the Trisquel version of Sugar is supportable. If so, then let's put the image on Sugar Labs and document how to install it

The current SOAS image can be downloaded and installed by dd to a usb stick but you wouldn't know that from the Sugar Labs website. This is really easy to fix, so let's do it.

I can't believe there is no one in this community who knows enough about Windows 10 to suggest a method to implement Sugar there. So far the only technical suggestions I have seen came from Sean Daly many months ago. Microsoft has a partnership with Ubuntu to provide a Bash shell on Windows 10. I have yet to see an technical analysis of this opportunity as an approach to implement Sugar on Windows 10.

None of this will be easy. For example, many of our activities assume a 1200x900 screen. If Sugar is to be supported on a range of platforms, this needs to be addressed. Sugar depends on wifi for collaboration. Supporting networking on a range of platforms will not be easy (the current Sugar on Ubuntu does not provide any networking support). The Record activity is our interface to a camera and microphone. This will not be easy to extend to support a range of hardware. PC hardware is moving to the amd64 architechture. This will affect Sugar releases - probably requiring arm, i686 and amd64 versions.

But all of this is a matter of doing, not talking.


On 04/11/2017 04:55 AM, Caryl Bigenho wrote:

Sorry Laura, but I don't think you actually read what I wrote. Most of the "Goals" you refer and the objectives you refer to are really "activities." Please re-read my letter below and, if you think I am wrong, I suggest you Google "Goals vs Objectives vs Activities" to see what they really are.

As an educator I have spent many hours writing goals, objectives, and activities (many of the latter were actually to qualify for grant money). It was part of my job and that of many other educators.

Now, back to goals... We should start with 4 - 5 clear, concise, goal statements (each may cover a fairly broad topic). I suggest something simple, such as Google Docs as a place to start. When we have something concrete that most folks can agree with and support, it will then be time to move them to the wiki.

Remember the KISS principle. It is how to get things done! (also can be Googled or searched for in Wikipedia if you need clarification).


*From:* Laura Vargas <la...@somosazucar.org>
*Sent:* Monday, April 10, 2017 11:45:26 AM
*To:* Caryl Bigenho
*Cc:* Samson Goddy; sameer verma; Lionel Laské; Adam Holt; igna...@sugarlabs.org; walter.ben...@gmail.com; Tony Anderson; George Hunt; José Miguel García; SLOBs; iaep; sugar-devel; Dave Crossland
*Subject:* Re: [IAEP] [Sugar-devel] 2017 Goals for Sugar Labs
Hi Caryl and all,

Last year we - as a community - made the exercise to document a list of technical and organizational goals here at the wiki:


It may be the logical start point for an updated version.

As for Objectives, and according with our mission*, earlier this year I suggested:

[1] To sponsor any motivated, active individuals in need to continue doing the best they can to support our mission.

[2] To make sure our servers are safe and our systems are distributed.

[3] To maintain domains and trademarks.

As for the official mission I would be on favor of eliminating the text "Originally part of the One Laptop Per Child project" just because it is irrelevant.

From https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Mission


Sugar Labs^® <https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Trademark> is a volunteer-driven member project of Software Freedom Conservancy <http://www.sfconservancy.org/>, a nonprofit corporation. Originally part of the One Laptop Per Child project, Sugar Labs coordinates volunteers <https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Sugar_Labs/Getting_Involved> around the world who are passionate about providing educational opportunities to children through the Sugar Learning Platform. Sugar Labs® is supported by donations and is seeking funding <https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Donate> to accelerate development.

Regards and looking forward for your comments,

Laura Victoria

2017-04-10 11:58 GMT-05:00 Caryl Bigenho <cbige...@hotmail.com <mailto:cbige...@hotmail.com>>:

    Hi Folks,

    First, thanks go to Walter for the very comprehensive review of
    Sugar Labs and what has been done and is currently being done. It
    is very helpful. However, it, in no sense of the words, represents
    goals and objectives for SL going forward.

    I know Sameer really does want to share more with us to assist in
    developing a viable list of goals and objectives, but I also know
    he is very busy with his teaching job.  So, I have taken the time
    to find a couple of resources from education that show what goals
    and objectives really are and how the activities we choose to
    undertake are related. These resources are attached.

    The next thing that needs to be done is to go through Walter's
    fine document and identify all the specific areas Sugar Labs works
    with and write one goal for each. Don't do anything else until
    these goals are written. These should be done in a sharable online
    document. Everyone who wants to participate should be encouraged
    to do so. There should be no special priority attached to any of
    these goals. At this point they would be of equal value.

    There should be one goal for each area... I suggest we start with
    these 4 broad areas:

     1. Sugar
     2. Sugarizer
     3. Stand Alone Projects
     4. School Server

    Each goal should be concise and precise. _Preferably one
    sentence._ Under each goal go objectives. There can be _more than
    one_ objective per goal.

    An objective should follow the form of *Who* is going to do *What*
    by *When* and *How* will success be measured.

    A goal can have several objectives under it... for example, the
    objectives for Sugar could have objectives addressing both Raspian
    and Trisquel (two separate categories).

    Once the objectives are filled in, it will be time to start
    working on activities. These will include actual activities like
    producing a new version of Sugarizer, conducting a Music Blocks
    workshop, showing Sugar Labs "products" and recruiting users and
    volunteers at Linux conferences and educational conferences, etc.

    After this every project proposed can be analyzed with the
    question in mind, "How does this project help Sugar Labs achieve
    its stated objectives (and thus its goals as well).

    Please! Someone start a doc for this to all happen. Begin with
    just the 4 (or 5 if you want to separate Raspian and Trisquel).
    Make a simple goal for each. Then collaborate on getting the goals
    "just right" before moving on to objectives.

    Then do the same thing for objectives.

    This may seem like a lot of "busy work." But, trust me it isn't.
    It will give Sugar Labs a strong platform to work from, enabling
    the best use of limited time and resources.


    *From:* IAEP <iaep-boun...@lists.sugarlabs.org
    <mailto:iaep-boun...@lists.sugarlabs.org>> on behalf of Laura
    Vargas <la...@somosazucar.org <mailto:la...@somosazucar.org>>
    *Sent:* Monday, April 10, 2017 7:31:18 AM
    *To:* Samson Goddy
    *Cc:* SLOBs; iaep; sugar-devel; Dave Crossland
    *Subject:* Re: [IAEP] [Sugar-devel] 2017 Goals for Sugar Labs
    Thank you Samson

    Then I guess the email format is not the best choice. Could you
    please document it on a wiki page at the Sugar Labs wiki?

    Blessings and a nice week to all

    Laura Victoria

    2017-04-10 8:25 GMT-05:00 Samson Goddy <samsongo...@gmail.com

        If i am wrong, walter made it clear earlier that this is a
        "draft proposal" meaning you can input.


        On Apr 10, 2017 2:15 PM, "Laura Vargas" <la...@somosazucar.org
        <mailto:la...@somosazucar.org>> wrote:

            2017-04-09 19:03 GMT-05:00 Walter Bender
            <walter.ben...@gmail.com <mailto:walter.ben...@gmail.com>>:

                On Sun, Apr 9, 2017 at 7:56 PM, Dave Crossland
                <d...@lab6.com <mailto:d...@lab6.com>> wrote:


                    Thanks Walter. I'd like to better understand some
                    additional context before diving in :)

                    Does this mean Sameer you have stopped the project
                    planning process you started, and we should not
                    expect you to restart it again?

                At the most recent SLOB meeting Samson brought up the
                fact that we were still waiting and so I volunteered
                to write something up to get the conversation going again.

            Thanks for doing this Walter,

            After a quick read, I have to confess I feel sad and
            excluded because none of the projects I have worked on [1]
            is mentioned on your view of Sugar's history.

            Regards and blessings,

            Laura V

             [1] http://pe.sugarlabs.org/ir/Proyectos

                    Walter, are these the goals for this year, or are
                    they your proposal for the goals for this year?

                Not sure I understand what you are asking. I wrote up
                a draft of goals but they are not "the goals" until we
                agree to them.



                    On Apr 9, 2017 3:31 PM, "Walter Bender"
                    <mailto:walter.ben...@gmail.com>> wrote:

                        As per the discussion in the last Suagr Labs
                        Oversight Board Meeting, I had agreed to write
                        a draft statement of goals for 2017. The
                        document below includes feedback from Samson
                        G. I hope this document can serve to
                        revitalize our discussion from 2016 that never
                        reached resolution.

                        Sugar Labs Plans, Goals, Aspirations

                        What is Sugar Labs?

                        Sugar Labs creates, distributes, and maintains
                        learning software for children. Our approach
                        to learning is grounded in Constructionism, a
                        pedagogy developed by Seymour Papert and his
                        colleagues in the 1960s and 70s at MIT. Papert
                        pioneered the use of the computer by children
                        to help engage them in the “construction of
                        knowledge.” His long-time colleague Cynthia
                        Solomon expanded up his ideas by introducing
                        the concept of engaging children in debugging
                        as a pathway into problem-solving. Their 1971
                        paper, “Twenty things to do with a computer”,
                        is arguably the genesis of contemporary
                        movements such as the Maker Movement and Hour
                        of Code.

                        At the core of Constructionism is “learning
                        through doing.” If you want more learning, you
                        want more doing. At Sugar Labs we provide
                        tools to promote doing. (We focus almost
                        exclusively on tools, not instructional
                        materials.) However, we go beyond “doing” by
                        incorporating critical dialog and reflection
                        into the Sugar learning environment, through
                        mechanisms for collaboration, journaling, and

                        Sugar Labs is a spinoff of the One Laptop per
                        Child (OLPC) project and consequently it has
                        inherited many of its goals from that project.
                        The goal of OLPC is to bring the ideas of
                        Constructionism to scale in order to reach
                        more children. A particular focus is on
                        children in the developing world. In order to
                        meet that goal, Sugar, which was originally
                        developed for OLPC, was by necessity a
                        small-footprint solution that required few
                        resources in terms of CPU, memory, storage, or
                        network connectivity. The major change on
                        focus from the OLPC project is that Sugar Labs
                        strives to make the Sugar desktop available to
                        multiple platforms, not just the OLPC XO hardware.

                        Who develops Sugar?

                        Sugar Labs is a 100% volunteer effort
                        (although we do occasionally raise money for
                        paid student internships). Sugar development
                        and maintenance is incumbent upon volunteers
                        and hence we strive to provide as much control
                        as possible to our community members,
                        including our end-users. (In fact, one of our
                        assertions is that by enabling our users to
                        participate in the development of the tools
                        that they use will lead to deeper engagement
                        in their own learning.) Towards these ends, we
                        chose the GPL as our primary license. It has
                        been said of the GPL that it “restricts my
                        right [as a developer] to restrict yours [as a
                        user and potential developer]”, which seems
                        ideal for a project that wants to engage a
                        broad and diverse set of learners. But at
                        Sugar Labs we go beyond the usual goals of
                        FOSS: a license to make changes to the code is
                        not enough to ensure that users make changes.
                        We also strive to provide the means to make
                        changes. Our success in this goal is best
                        reflected in the number of patches we receive
                        from our community. (We achieve this goal
                        through providing access to source code and
                        development tools within Sugar itself. We also
                        actively participate in workshops and
                        internship programs such as Google Summer of
                        Code, Outreaching, and Google Code-In.)

                        Who uses Sugar?

                        Ultimately, our goal is to reach learners (and
                        educators) with powerful tools and engage them
                        in Constructionist learning. Currently we
                        reach them in many ways: the majority of our
                        users get the Sugar desktop preinstalled on
                        OLPC XO hardware. We have a more modest set of
                        users who get Sugar packaged in Fedora,
                        Trisquel, Debian, Ubuntu, or other GNU/Linux
                        platforms. Some users get Sugar on Live Media
                        (i.e., Sugar on a Stick). Recently Sugarizer,
                        a repackaging of some of the core Sugar ideas
                        for the browser, has been finding its way to
                        some users. There are also a number of Sugar
                        activities that are popular outside of the
                        context Sugar itself, for example, Turtle
                        Blocks, which has wide-spread use in India.
                        Harder to measure is the extent to which Sugar
                        has influenced other providers of
                        “educational” software. If the Sugar pedagogy
                        is incorporated by others, that advances our goal.

                        Who supports Sugar?

                        When we first created Sugar Labs, we
                        envisioned “Local Labs”—hence the name “Sugar
                        Labs”, plural—that would provide local support
                        in terms of local-language support, training,
                        curriculum development, and customizations.
                        This model has not ever gained the scale and
                        depth envisioned (we can debate the reasons
                        why), although there are still some active
                        local communities (e.g., Educa Paraguay) that
                        continue to work closely with the broader
                        community. There are also individual
                        volunteers, such as Tony Anderson and T.K.
                        Kang, who help support individual schools in
                        Rwanda, Malaysia, et al. An open question is
                        how do we support our users over the long term?

                        What is next for Sugar?

                        We face several challenges at Sugar Labs. With
                        the ebb of OLPC, we have a contracting user
                        base and the number of professional developers
                        associated with the project is greatly
                        diminished. How can we expand our user base?
                        How can we attract more experienced
                        developers? Why would they want to work on
                        Sugar as opposed to some other project? The
                        meta issue is how do we keep Sugar relevant in
                        a world of Apps and small, hand-held devices?
                        Can we meet the expectations of learners
                        living in a world of fast-paced, colorful
                        interfaces? How do we ensure that it is
                        fulfilling its potential as a learning
                        environment and that our users, potential
                        users, and imitators are learning about and
                        learning from Sugar. Some of this is a matter
                        of marketing; some of this is a matter of
                        staying focused on our core pedagogy; some of
                        this a matter of finding strategic partners
                        with whom we can work.

                        We have several near-term opportunities that
                        we should leverage:
                        * Raspian: The Raspberry PI 3.0 is more than
                        adequate to run Sugar—the experience rivals or
                        exceeds that of the OLPC XO 4.0 hardware.
                        While RPi is not the only platform we should
                        be targeting, it does has broad penetration
                        into the Maker community, which shares a
                        synergy with our emphasis on “doing”. It is
                        low-hanging fruit. With a little polish we
                        could have an image available for download
                        from the RPi website.
                        * Trisquel: We have the potential for better
                        leveraging the Free Software Foundation as a
                        vehicle for promoting Sugar. Their distro of
                        choice is Trisquel and the maintainer does a
                        great job of keep the Sugar packages up to date.
                        * Sugarizer: The advantage of Sugarizer is
                        that it has the potential of reaching orders
                        of magnitude more users since it is web-based
                        and runs in Android and iOS. There is some
                        work to be done to make the experience
                        palatable on small screens and the current
                        development environment is—at least my
                        opinion—not scalable or maintainable. The
                        former is a formidable problem. The latter
                        quite easy to address.
                        * Stand-alone projects such as Music Blocks
                        have merit as long as they maintain both a
                        degree of connection with Sugar and promote
                        the values of the community. It is not certain
                        that these projects will lead users towards
                        Sugar, but they do promote FOSS and
                        Constructionist principles. And they have
                        attracted new developers to the Sugar community.
                        * School-server: The combination of the School
                        Server and Sugar desktop is a technical
                        solution to problems facing small and remote
                        communities. We should continue to support and
                        promote this combination.

                        Specific actions: After last year’s Libre
                        Planet conference, several community members
                        discussed a marketing strategy for Sugar. We
                        thought that if we could reach influencers, we
                        might be able to greatly amplify our efforts.
                        There are several prominent bloggers and
                        pundits in the education arena who are widely
                        read and who might be receptive to what we are
                        doing. One significant challenge is that
                        GNU/Linux remains on the far periphery of the
                        Ed Tech world. Although the “love affair” with
                        all things Apple seems to be over, the new
                        elephant in the room—Chromebooks and Google
                        Docs—is equally difficult to co-exist with.
                        Personally, I see the most potential synergy
                        with the Maker movement, which is building up
                        momentum in extra-curricular programs, where
                        FOSS and GNU-Linux are welcome (hence my
                        earlier focus on RPi). (There are even some
                        schools that are building their entire
                        curriculum around PBL.) We can and should
                        develop and run some workshops that can
                        introduce Sugar within the context of the
                        Maker movement. (Toward that end, I have been
                        working with some teachers on how to leverage,
                        for example, Turtle Blocks for 3D printing.)
                        It is very much a tool-oriented community with
                        little overall discussion of architectural
                        frameworks, so we have some work to do. But
                        there is lots of low-hanging fruit there.



-- Walter Bender
                        Sugar Labs

                        IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a
                        laptop project!)

-- Walter Bender
                Sugar Labs

                IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
                IAEP@lists.sugarlabs.org <mailto:IAEP@lists.sugarlabs.org>

-- Laura V.
            *I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

            “No paradox, no progress.”
            ~ Niels Bohr

            Happy Learning!

            Sugar-devel mailing list

-- Laura V.
    *I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

    “No paradox, no progress.”
    ~ Niels Bohr

    Happy Learning!

Laura V.
*I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

“No paradox, no progress.”
~ Niels Bohr

Happy Learning!

Sugar-devel mailing list

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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