Hi Chris

Currently there are two text fields per activity in ASLO: Summary and Description. This gets a bit more complicated since these text fields edited by the developer in github.

Perhaps this might work. Have a po directory in the activities/ directory of the bundle. When the activity page is selected Django can select the summary string from the appropriate po and send it to the html template. This method would work for both summary and description. With the pootle default to display the POT string, no harm can be done.

Sam Cantaro mentioned using webhooks to notify ASLO when a new activity version has been released. Perhaps such a hook could be used to notify you of the need to review localization for the activity and another hook to notify ASLO to update the bundle to integrate the localization.


On 05/19/2017 10:08 AM, Chris Leonard wrote:
On Thu, May 18, 2017 at 9:57 PM, Tony Anderson <tony_ander...@usa.net> wrote:
On 05/19/2017 09:24 AM, Chris Leonard wrote:
The more difficult question is how to localize the summary and description
of the individual activities. At present, it appears we don't attempt to
localize this information.
The first thought that pops into my mind is the very brief Activity
description that is in the activity.info file and is frequently, but
not always captured in the PO file for localization.  With that as
background, making changes to activity,info format to include a richer
description seems feasible as does doing a better job of tooling the
i18n so that these activity.info fields are more consistently captured
in the PO files.  Having ASLO parse the activity.info file of the
hosted packages relevant PO file seems a reasonable approach that
would mean that ASLO doesn't have to have separately maintained
knowledge of the Activities being hosted, it justs picks it up from
the upload of the package itself.  . Just a thought.


IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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