
I would support a motion to add Ibiam to the Membership and elections
Committee since Ibiam is a Sugar Labs member.

Not sure it works for non Sugar Labs members.


Laura V
Membership and Elections Committee Liaison

2017-09-06 16:02 GMT-05:00 Samson Goddy <>:

> Hello,
> I am requesting to SLOB. To add Pericherla Seetaramaraju  (Google Summer
> of Code Intern), Hirish Patel (Contributor and Google Summer of Code
> Mentor)
> and Ibiam Chihurumnaya (Member of Sugar Labs). I mentioned at the meeting
> that we need more members in the Membership/Election committee.
> I will appreciate if someone second this motion for voting.
> Regards
> Samson Goddy

Laura V.
* I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

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~ L. Victoria

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