On Thu, Sep 07, 2017 at 04:56:49PM -0500, Laura Vargas wrote:
> 2017-09-07 15:51 GMT-05:00 Samson Goddy <[1]samsongo...@gmail.com>:
>     On Thu, 7 Sep 2017 at 9:08 PM Lionel Laské <[2]lionel.la...@gmail.com>
>     wrote:
>         -1 for the motion.
>         As James said, I don't think adding more Sugar Labs members will give
>         more transparency.
>         Good point to make an open call if there is more volunteer but do a
>         motion to "force" new members to the committee is not fair.
>         Plus except if I miss something I didn't seen in this thread a clear
>         request from Pericherla, Hirish or Ibiam to be a part of the committee
>     the motion passed and second this is not the first time Ibiam showed
>     interest
>     Just that you didnt catch the mail. 
> Samson,
> Please get used to add reference to your words otherwise you loose
> and confuse readers.

I had no trouble with Samson's mail.  Which part did you not
understand or need a reference for?  Be specific.

> The motion is controversial as it is a personal closed selection of
> candidates.

Sure, it was controversial, that much is clear, but you must accept
that the motion was agreed, and now you must do these things;

1.  ensure that the new committee members Pericherla, Hirish and Ibiam
are inducted into the committee, with sub-tasks;

1. a. add them to the sunjammer:/etc/aliases entry for members@

1. b. add them to the mailing lists, in particular the recently
created mailing list for enumerating Sugar Labs members,

1. c. inform them of all prior decisions of the committee,

1. d. give them the minutes of all prior meetings of the committee.

2.  invite them to the next meeting of the committee.

If you do not do these things, then you are directly disobeying the
oversight board.  You wouldn't, would you?  ;-)

> There is already an Open Call for candidates for adding members to the
> Committee.

Your personal open call is fine, and it will be up to the new six
person committee to respond to any offers.

> Anyone who has interest or intention to become a volunteer member of
> the Membership and Elections Committee please attend the Call and
> send a mail to members AT sugarlabs DOT org cc IAEP if possible.

Please advise once you have added Pericherla, Hirish and Ibiam to this
mailing list or alias, otherwise we all know that the mail must be
sent both to members@ _and_ Pericherla, Hirish and Ibiam.

I've checked just now, and they are not yet on the list;

        ssh sunjammer grep members /etc/aliases

> Regards and happy learning ;D
> Laura
> SL MEC Liaison

James Cameron
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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