It has just come to my attention Sugar Labs has a Finance Committee.


You are currently referenced as the Sugar Labs Finance Committee Liaison
<> in the SL
committees wiki page, please confirm if such Committee is active and/or if
any of this information needs to be deprecated.

I any case I had prepared a Statement of Purpose for the Financial Manager
position and hopefully will serve as my application to the Sugar Labs
Finance Committee if it is still active;

*Statement of Purpose to act as Financial Manager [and/or] Sugar Labs
Finance Committe Member for Sugar Labs Global Project*
*by Laura Vargas*

My purpose is to provide Sugar Labs members the *service of keeping the
Sugar Labs financial reports published on two languages Spanish and English
on a timely manner on the Sugar Labs wiki  page*: https://wiki.sugarlabs.

I have estimated it will take me *~20 monthly hours* to perform such task,
taking into consideration that:

* I understand currently the Sugar Labs Project has only one (1) trusted
organization with an agreement in effect: non-profit Software Freedom
Conservancy in the United States.

* Software Freedom Conservancy's reports publication in the Sugar Labs wiki
are due since *February 2016  <>*(1
year and 2 quarters to catch up).

* To be able to allocate monthly time to the gardening of the Finance wiki
page, I would require Sugar Labs to sponsor the time for providing the
service and learning to use the commands to extract information from the
Ledger file, service that I propose to be provided in the form of a *Fellowship
with an Stipend *[and/or] office expenses, such as Internet connection,
maintenance to work equipment, etc. For reference see SLOB's Budget
allocation AGREED MOTION

I have an *Industrial Engineer* degree from the "Escuela Colombiana de
Ingeniería" and a masters degree in *English for International Business and
Finance*, from the "Universidad del Rosario" in Colombia. I also have a *Film
and TV Producer* degree from the "New York Film Academy" in the United
States thanks to the Ministry of Culture of Colombia and the Fulbright
Scholarship Program back in 2005. I gained large budget management skills
while working in the Film industry.

I have contributed to Free/Libre Software projects, specifically to Sugar
Labs since 2009. On the way I have lead many successful events, projects
and products, like Sugar Camp Lima and the resultant multi-native-languages
OS Image "Hexoquinasa" currently deployed among +40,000 learners on field.

I have many motivations to contribute to the successful execution of the
Sugar Labs project.

*Financial reports publication has become a critical task as currently
there are* no updated numbers <>.

Defined responsible parties for financial reports publication will benefit
largely the Project Leadership Committe and will hopefully activate more
collaboration in the development of quality "libre" software for children.

Regards and thanks in advance for your consideration.

Laura V.
* I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

“Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
~ L. Victoria

Happy Learning!
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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