
"Shouldn't the Design team have a clear way to process all this teacher's and children's (users) suggestions/ideas?"

I would love to see all these teacher's and children's suggestions and ideas. Could you please share them with us?


On 09/22/2017 12:25 PM, Laura Vargas wrote:

The fact that you don't understand the idea/proposal is not relevant.

Please consider an answer about procedure is expected.

What happens once we (Sugar Labs Design Team) do get the user requirement?

Shouldn't the Design team have a clear way to process all this teacher's and children's (users) suggestions/ideas?


2017-09-22 9:48 GMT-05:00 Tony Anderson < <>>:

    ** To be able to download new Activities directly from the User

    I have no idea what you mean by this. Downloading files from the
    internet or from a school server is done by a browser (e.g.
    webkit). In Sugar,
    this capability is provided by the Browse activity. I think most
    people would consider launching a browser as a normal part of the
    user interface of their system.

    Perhaps it would be helpful if you could describe specifically
    what you mean by the Sugar user interface and why Browse is not
    part of it.


    On 09/22/2017 10:22 AM, Laura Vargas wrote:

    2017-09-22 8:37 GMT-05:00 Tony Anderson <

        On 09/22/2017 07:19 AM, Laura Vargas wrote:

            Let's say for example a teacher on field suggests we
            should make downloading new activities easy and doable
            from the Sugar User Interface. What should the teacher do
with his/her idea?

        First, we need a way for the teacher to make that request.
        Perhaps we need something on the SugarLabs web site that
        steers a user to a support forum.

    Yes Sugar Labs Website is an example of the many ways today we
    can get the requirements from teachers.

    That said the solution you suggest (using another activity)
    doesn't respond to the requirement. The requirement in the
    example was:
    ** To be able to download new Activities directly from the User

    This feature requirement needs a *design process to integrate the
    functionality within the experience and the interface*.

    Still, the teacher may not have the skills to do all this.

    What happens once we (Sugar Labs Design Team) do get the user

    Shouldn't the Design team have a clear way to process all this
    teacher's and children's (users) suggestions/ideas?

    Moving to IAEP as the topic is relevant to teachers not only


-- Laura V.
    *I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

    “Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
    ~ L. Victoria

    Happy Learning!

Laura V.
*I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

“Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
~ L. Victoria

Happy Learning!

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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