Dear Ombudsman,

On yesterday's meeting
<> I
was publicly remarked by Walter Bender as having made a "charge of
harassment" twice:

19:02     walterbender     Before we get to the agenda, I just want to
report publicly that I am in touch with our ombudsman and he is
investigating the charge of harassment.

19:10     walterbender     kaametza: we are in the process of arbitrating a
charge of harassment issued after your motion, but based upon procedures
outlined years ago.

*Clearly I haven't present any charge of harassment. I only requested an
arbitration process because I felt I was disrespected. *
This evidences the lack of objectivity Walter has toward me.

*Please, I do request Walter Bender to recuse himself from this arbitration
process. *

Laura Victoria

2017-10-06 3:02 GMT-05:00 Laura Vargas <>:

> Seven years ago back in 2010, the systems labs team in the city of Puno
> (by the Titicaca Lake) had implemented a customized Debian distribution
> that allow them to have "Two Children Per Computer" by simply adding one
> additional Screen and one additional Keyboard.
> *Yes, it is true: I do not agree with the premise of "Una Computadora Por
> Niño" because I have seen technology to do better than that. *
> This way of thinking has brought me many challenges and opposition, like
> Caryl's.
> With Caryl's communication of October 4, 2017
> <>, I
> feel I have been disrespected and also has Sebastian.
> Although this is not the first time/event where I have received on behalf
> of Caryl Beringho words that cause me discomfort, it is with her October
> 4, 2017 communication, that Caryl goes beyond the line of what is
> "acceptable in our culture" by referring to the behavior that Sebastian and
> / or I must/should have with respect to our mothers.
> In Latin culture, we value deeply the roll of the mother. Not only our
> biological mothers but also our great mother earth. To use or call the name
> of someone's mother to mock or silent a person is extremely rude and
> disrespectful.
> Please see the reference:
> What I interpret in the best of cases is that Caryl's intention was to
> mock and/or ridicule our initiative to upgrade the Code of Conduct.
> As this is a community that depends on the existence, participation and
> well-being of the children we serve:
> I do not approve Caryl's lack of respect to me and Sebastian on her
> October 4, 2017 communication, nor her reluctance to accept this community
> has active children participating.
> I hope for the Board to call for a neutral RESPONSE TEAM to address my
> request, specifically I ask *all board/community members conflicted with
> my statement about the "Una Computadora Por Niño" premise to recuse
> themselves from this RESPONSE TEAM and/or this arbitration process.*
> Back to work now.
> As David Ally recently shared, children of the world need us!
> Laura Victoria
> 2017-10-05 6:22 GMT-05:00 Walter Bender <>:
>> On Wed, Oct 4, 2017 at 11:00 PM, Laura Vargas <>
>> wrote:
>>> Dear SLOBs and community members;
>>> cc Ombusman
>>> We need to clearly state every member when interacting within the Sugar
>>> Labs project channels is expected to serve as an example for children.
>>> This is logical as within Sugar Labs, children make software,
>>> documentation, art, testing, etc.
>>> *I am sad because today, again, me and my family have been mistreated on
>>> a Sugar Labs mailing list by a Sugar Labs member.*
>>> I am sad because our Code of Conduct is not sufficient to deal with
>>> these situations and other than Walter no other SLOB notice me needing the
>>> addition of the anti-harassment Policy earlier.
>>> It is necessary we make a *list of acceptable and unacceptably
>>> behaviors within Sugar Labs communication channels *so we can add that
>>> to the Sugar Labs Code of Conduct.
>>> In this case Caryl might be unaware: in our culture, it is completely
>>> unacceptable to mention someone's mother.
>>> Sebastian's mother is my mother in law, a real person.
>>> So my petition is: to send Caryl a first warning for moderation and a
>>> suggestion to apologize to Sebastian.
>>> Thank you for your consideration.
>>> Regards,
>>> Laura V
>>> 2017-10-04 19:34 GMT-05:00 Caryl Bigenho <>:
>>>> Sebastian,
>>>> In my culture and, possibly in James's culture, accusations such as
>>>> this one you are making against James, and the one Laura made against me a
>>>> few weeks ago, are considered "harassment"... actually, extreme harassment.
>>> Caryl,
>>> We are far from understanding what your culture is.
>>>> You are denying us the freedom to express our opinions or feelings in a
>>>> rational way without fearing reprisals and intimidation as what the two of
>>>> you have chosen to do.
>>> We are all adults here (at least will be after Samson turns 18 on
>>>> Halloween 😊 ). It's time we start acting like adults and stop
>>>> "running to Mommie!"
>>> In my culture you can be a "Grannie" but it would still be* extremelly
>>> rude and disrespectful*l to talk about someone's mother.
>>> I may have to make you realize this person you are talking about
>>> actually exists!
>>> We are a family.
>>> GrannieB
>>>> ------------------------------
>>>> *From:* IAEP <> on behalf of Sebastian
>>>> Silva <>
>>>> *Sent:* Tuesday, October 3, 2017 7:41 PM
>>>> *To:* James Cameron; Laura Vargas
>>>> *Cc:* iaep; SLOBs
>>>> *Subject:* [IAEP] Improving our Code of Conduct (was: Re: Code of
>>>> Conduct Motion to add Anti-harassment policy - Sugar Labs)
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I had asked that we discuss changes to our Code of Conduct in a wiki
>>>> page <> I have worked
>>>> on, where I put the result of a lot of research.
>>>> The time I spent, back in January, on this document, is because I
>>>> myself felt not only harassed but threatened. It came as a realization
>>>> then, that perhaps more people have had similar experiences and have
>>>> abandoned Sugar Labs because they were less tenacious than others.
>>>> Hopefully you'll find the references I put there (beyond geek feminism)
>>>> interesting. They represent a broad spectrum of approaches to making a
>>>> community more welcoming.
>>>> I found our current Code of Conduct
>>>> <> was
>>>> not sufficient because (1) it is vague and difficult to evaluate when it's
>>>> been infringed. Cultures vary widely with regard to what is
>>>> *considerate*, *respectful*, *collaborative*, and *flexible*. It would
>>>> be much better if specific acceptable or not acceptable behaviors were
>>>> listed. (2) There is no defined procedure on how to report a problem and
>>>> what the expected outcome, timeline, or response could be. (3) There's no
>>>> defined solution or action such as warning or temporarily moderating a
>>>> person to signal bad behavior.
>>>> James, you insist on victimizing yourself and have a confrontational
>>>> form of writing. Perhaps I'm misreading you. Please improve your tone. I
>>>> have only seen vague complaints on the alleged dispute (*"rate of
>>>> posting and Wiki editing"*, and *"use of many paths to achieve your
>>>> goals"*).
>>>> If all of this is because I had the audacity to merge an icon, I feel
>>>> your attitude is disproportionate, unfair and itself sufficient for a
>>>> complaint. Trying to flag my github profile seems particularly aggressive
>>>> and harmful, considering the market use of such profiles.
>>>> The trademarked icon has already been reinstated in master branch, but
>>>> my valid concern (that neither Sugar Labs nor downstream distributors have
>>>> permission to use it), has not been resolved. I raised the same question
>>>> openly in 2016, and you responded with sarcasm
>>>> <>.
>>>> I don't think this is acceptable.
>>>> At the moment I don't support Laura's motion because I think it's
>>>> necessary to write something more specific for Sugar Labs, taking into
>>>> consideration the other references listed in the page at the least.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Sebastian
>>> --
>>> Laura V.
>>> * I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*
>>> “Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
>>> ~ L. Victoria
>>> Happy Learning!
>>> #LearningByDoing
>>> #Projects4good
>>> #IDesignATSugarLabs
>>> #WeCanDoBetter
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> SLOBs mailing list
>> Laura,
>> Your claim of harassment is very serious and the oversight board will
>> take it very seriously. Please provide to the board any supporting
>> materials you may have to back up your claim. Of course you understand why
>> you must recuse yourself from the deliberations of the board on this
>> matter. We will be in touch.
>> regards.
>> -walter
>> --
>> Walter Bender
>> Sugar Labs
>> <>
> --
> Laura V.
> * I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*
> “Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
> ~ L. Victoria
> Happy Learning!
> #LearningByDoing
> #Projects4good
> #IDesignATSugarLabs
> #WeCanDoBetter
> _______________________________________________
> IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Laura V.
* I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

“Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
~ L. Victoria

Happy Learning!
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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