IAEP has become nearly moribund with our current emphasis on developer-developer communication. I think this discussion should remain on IAEP to remind the subscribers that this is fundamentally an educational project not a software development project.

As I understand it, olpc is ok but OLPC belongs to OLPC. Olpc 2.0 came from TK's summit in Malaysia and had nothing to do with OLPC or hardware. It was a reference to a new direction for the project.


On 12/21/18 1:32 PM, iaep-requ...@lists.sugarlabs.org wrote:
Send IAEP mailing list submissions to

To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to

You can reach the person managing the list at

When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
than "Re: Contents of IAEP digest..."

Today's Topics:

    1. Re: SCaLE 17X March7 -10, 2019 (Alex Perez)
    2. An open Invitation to join Sugar Labs event planning mailing
       list (was: Re: SCaLE 17X March7 -10, 2019) (Alex Perez)
    3. welcoming the new Sugar Labs oversight board members
       (Walter Bender)
    4. Re: [Sugar-devel] welcoming the new Sugar Labs oversight
       board members (Jaskirat Singh)


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2018 15:10:50 -0800
From: Alex Perez <ape...@alexperez.com>
To: Caryl Bigenho <ca...@laptop.org>
Cc: "iaep@lists.sugarlabs.org" <iaep@lists.sugarlabs.org>,  Sameer
        Verma <sve...@sfsu.edu>, Aaron Kaplan <adbor...@live.com>,
        "georgejh...@gmail.com" <georgejh...@gmail.com>, Jaskirat Singh
        <juskirat2...@gmail.com>, Tim Moody <t...@timmoody.com>,  Kenneth
        Wyrick <k...@caltek.net>
Subject: Re: [IAEP] SCaLE 17X March7 -10, 2019
Message-ID: <5c1c217a.2080...@alexperez.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"; Format="flowed"

Caryl & others,

I have removed all of the recipients who are already members of the IAEP
mailing list from the CC: list, so they do not receive duplicate e-mails.

I will be in attendance at SCaLE 17x, along with my wife, who is
currently a first grade schoolteacher, and has taught second grade,
kindergarten, and pre-K here in California. Since this is a
volunteer-run, kid-friendly event, it has a fairly different emphasis
than a lot of other Linux-oriented conferences.

Since there are nearly 240 subscribers to the IAEP mailing list, I would
like to propose we peel off the discussion of the specifics to a
general-purpose "events" mailing list, with only the people who actually
wish to be involved in the specifics of this discussion. I can set one
up easily, and we can continue discussion there. Thoughts?

On the subject of the banner, see below...

Caryl Bigenho wrote:
We also need to decide on a possible new banner for the booth or
whether we might just use the one we already have. See the attached
photo of the booth at SCaLE 15X. If we want a new one, we should get a
design and order it right away. It always costs less if you order
early. The one in the photo lists most, but not all, of the various
organizations and projects that are offshoots from, or related to, the
old OLPC organization. Thus, the title "olpc 2.0."
I am strongly in favor of _not_ re-using this banner, for a few reasons:

- It has at least one domain on it that is no longer functional
- planet.sugarlabs.org lacks quality content these days, and I really
don't think we should be encouraging people to visit it
- "OLPC 2.0" is a bit of an odd term, and since this was a
proposed/prototyped piece of hardware at one time, if people googles the
term, they get nothing useful. Furthermore, since the OLPC Foundation
still is a legal entity which exists, and holds a current, valid
trademark on OLPC,  I am against using it on signage, without the
express written consent of OLPC, Inc, which is based in Miami.

I would personally prefer to emphasize "Sugar Labs" logo, and have it be
most prominent. If I print the banner, are there any objections to that?
Do you or does anyone else know who created the banner used at SCaLE
15x? Just curious.
SCaLE is in Pasadena again this year. There are a couple of hotels
close by and they usually offer a small discount to conference
attendees. There is also the possibility of some of us getting
together and renting a large house in the area via AirBnB or one of
the other rental companies. Availability for these right now is
excellent, but I expect they won't last long. If folks would like to
do this, we need to move on it soon.

Let's make this happen!

Caryl Bigenho (unofficial SCaLE 19X booth chairperson... unless
someone else wants to do it!)
-------------- next part --------------
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Message: 2
Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2018 15:30:34 -0800
From: Alex Perez <ape...@alexperez.com>
To: iaep <iaep@lists.sugarlabs.org>
Cc: Caryl Bigenho <ca...@laptop.org>
Subject: [IAEP] An open Invitation to join Sugar Labs event planning
        mailing list (was: Re: SCaLE 17X March7 -10, 2019)
Message-ID: <5c1c261a.3010...@alexperez.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

For the reason cited below, I have created a special-purpose Sugar Labs Event 
Planning mailing list, and sent e-mail invitations to all of the recipients of 
Cary's original e-mail. Anyone who did not receive an invitation, but would 
like to subscribe, please feel free to join in on the discussion by subscribing 

Alex Perez

Alex Perez wrote:
I will be in attendance at SCaLE 17x, along with my wife, who is
currently a first grade schoolteacher, and has taught second grade,
kindergarten, and pre-K here in California. Since this is a
volunteer-run, kid-friendly event, it has a fairly different emphasis
than a lot of other Linux-oriented conferences.

Since there are nearly 240 subscribers to the IAEP mailing list, I
would like to propose we peel off the discussion of the specifics to a
general-purpose "events" mailing list, with only the people who
actually wish to be involved in the specifics of this discussion. I
can set one up easily, and we can continue discussion there. Thoughts?


Message: 3
Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2018 08:23:47 -0500
From: Walter Bender <walter.ben...@gmail.com>
To: Sugar-dev Devel <sugar-de...@lists.sugarlabs.org>, iaep
        <iaep@lists.sugarlabs.org>, "OLPC para usuarios, docentes, voluntarios
        y administradores" <olpc-...@lists.laptop.org>
Cc: SLOBs <sl...@lists.sugarlabs.org>
Subject: [IAEP] welcoming the new Sugar Labs oversight board members
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

I hope everyone is well. We are in a seasonal transition -- winter has
begun in the north and summer in the south. I wanted to convey holiday
greetings to everyone in the community and also to provide some updates:

* We have a new oversight board. Welcome to James Cameron, Alex Perez, and
Devin Ulibarri. Lionel Laske and I were reelected to our seats. Claudia
Urrea and Samson Goddy will be completing their two-year terms in 2019. I
think we have a very strong group, with demonstrable dedication to Sugar
Labs and its mission and I look forward to having a very productive (and
fun) year.

* Many thanks to Adam, Sameer, and Ignacio, all three of whom have
dedicated many years of effort to the project and the community. Your
contributions are appreciated.

* James will be taking over for me as chair of the oversight board meetings
-- he runs a much better meeting than I do and I think it will be a change
for the better in terms of making us a more efficient organization, able to
make more thoughtful decisions more quickly.

* James will also be replacing Adam as the Sugar Labs liaison to the
Software Freedom Conservancy. I know he will offer a level of
professionalism that will hopefully lead to clear and timely communication
between our organizations.

A few heads up:

* Devin and I head to Japan to run some Music Blocks workshops in early
January as part of an ongoing effort to reach elementary schools throughout
the country. It has been going really well so far and I have high hopes
that this little bit of Sugar will be used and enjoyed widely.

* Rahul Bothra is helping to organize a new set of landing pages for Google
Summer of Code. I anticipate that Sugar Labs will be applying again this
year and we are striving to be more organized than in years past.

* The winners of the Google Code-in contest will be announce in two weeks
by Google. We had some fantastic contributions this year. Thank you for all
the help with organizing (Ibiam), mentoring, and participation.

Make sure to spend some time with family over these short (or long) days.



IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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